Biden’s Immigration Policies Lead to Increased Anti-Immigrant Sentiment


In the wake of President Joe Biden's administration, American attitudes toward immigration have soured, reaching levels not seen since the aftermath of September 11, 2001. This shift comes amid what many perceive as the failure of Biden's immigration policies, which critics argue have exacerbated issues at the southern border and undermined national security.

A recent Pew Research Center study highlights that illegal border crossings have surged to record-breaking numbers under Biden's tenure. Fiscal year 2023 alone saw the highest number of illegal crossings ever recorded, surpassing previous records set in 2021 and 2022. Since Biden took office, over 6.2 million individuals have been apprehended attempting to cross the southern border illegally, with 169 of these individuals being on the terrorist watchlist​​.

The Biden administration's approach has been criticized for dismantling the stricter immigration policies implemented by former President Donald Trump. Biden's efforts to return to pre-Trump immigration norms, which include halting the construction of the border wall and ending the "Remain in Mexico" policy, have been viewed by many conservatives as ineffective and too lenient​. These changes have been labeled as "open border" policies by critics, who argue that they have led to a surge in illegal immigration and created a security crisis at the border​​.

Senator John Thune (R-SD) has been vocal about the national security threats posed by the current border situation. He emphasized the alarming increase in individuals with serious criminal histories being apprehended at the border, averaging over 47 arrests per day. This statistic underscores the heightened risk of criminal activities and potential terrorist threats infiltrating the U.S. through its porous borders​​.

Moreover, public sentiment has mirrored these concerns. A 2022 Gallup poll revealed a decline in the percentage of Americans who view immigration positively, with only 70% considering it beneficial, a 5% drop from the previous year. The same poll highlighted that a significant majority see illegal immigration as a critical threat to national security.

The Biden administration's policy of prioritizing the arrest and deportation of recent illegal entrants and those with criminal records has not sufficiently stemmed the tide of illegal immigration. Instead, the administration's focus on streamlining asylum processes and expanding alternatives to detention, such as electronic monitoring, has faced criticism for being inadequate in addressing the root causes of the crisis​.

In response to these challenges, some lawmakers are advocating for a return to more stringent immigration policies. This includes reinstating measures like the Migrant Protection Protocols and enhancing border security infrastructure. There is also a push for legislative reforms to close asylum loopholes and reduce the abuse of parole designations, which have been seen as contributing factors to the surge in illegal immigration​.

In conclusion, the Biden administration's handling of immigration has led to a significant backlash, with many Americans feeling less secure and more critical of immigration policies than at any time since 9/11. As the debate continues, the need for effective and comprehensive immigration reform remains a pressing issue for the nation.


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