71 Journalists Slammed White House For Discriminatory Behaviour


A large group of reporters sent a letter to press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, due to the discriminatory behavior of the White House in inviting only a specific set of reporters to some events.

There is a prevailing notion among journalists that the White House is deliberately canceling some reporters to get absolute control over the spread of information.

Biden Admin Does Not Follow Media Transparency

According to the letter signed by 71 notable members of the White House Correspondents Association, the current process of the White House in selecting reporters for certain events is not transparent at all.

Similarly, the letter highlighted these practices are a violation of the free press. This controversial measure of the White House is equally disturbing to both the liberal and conservative media.

Some of the notable journalists who signed the letter included Kaitlan Collins of CNN, Jacqui Heinrich of Fox News, Ed O’Keefe of CBS, Kimberly Halkett of Al Jazeera, April Ryan of Grio, Amber Athey of The Spectator, and Brian Karem of Playboy.

As per journalists, the White House need not bring COVID-19 as an excuse for less crowded meetings, since the threat of the pandemic has long been averted. 

So, the White House owes an explanation as to why events that have been traditionally attended by all reporters are now restricted to the chosen ones only.

The journalists added that every reporter should be allowed to question the most powerful man in the country, who tries to avoid the media more often than not.

Compared to the incumbent administration, Trump’s White House, the letter mentioned, used to give “full access” to reporters for all events, despite its rocky relationship with the media.

White House Denying Media Scrutiny

Currently, the East Room and South Court Auditorium of the White House are the two most important places where only a selective chunk of reporters are allowed.

While the letter was intended to bring transparency to the public, the White House made matters worse after reporters’ protests.

As the letter was sent on Thursday, Biden, Harris, and Jean-Pierre skipped media questions in their Friday appearances, leaving reporters further enraged.

This issue has been bothering reporters for a long time, but the White House keeps on ignoring them.

Last October, former press secretary Jen Psaki claimed she did not have any information on how the selection process to enter the mysterious meetings worked. 

Similarly, Jean-Pierre also refused to give reporters any clues about the highly-secretive selection process, which has become the talk of the town in media circles.

These media restrictions seem to be a deliberate effort of Biden’s White House. It has started becoming hyper-critical of the media, amid concerns the mass media is not playing any role in helping the president.


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