Texas Democrats Are Expressing Frustration About Their Bosses


Texas Democrats are enraged over their party leadership for losing a historically blue seat to Republicans in the recent special elections.

Before this win, Republicans only captured this seat once in 2010 within the last forty years.

Texas Democrats Frustrated About Losing Historically Blue District

A Democratic congressman from Texas, Henry Cueller, noted the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has to look into the elections of South Texas seriously.

Latino voters played a critical role in the district; their alignment with the Democrat Party won them the seat most of the time in the past.

However, this win of a conservative candidate depicts the realignment of Latino voters who have started distancing themselves from Democrats.

Cueller indicated while this is not a “political realignment,” still the DCCC needs to stop taking Hispanic voters for granted.

Another Texas Democrat, Vicente Gonzalez, who is a congressman from the 15th Congressional district, claimed the DCCC is ignoring Latino voters badly, which has become evident in the latest elections.

Likewise, Gonzalez said the government’s ignorance at the border in such a crucial state helped Republicans clinch the blue district.

Though top Democratic leadership is trying to cover up their failure in the special elections. 

Sean Patrick Maloney, the chair of the DCCC, mentioned Republicans used big money to win a single seat. So, Maloney continued, Democrats will win this seat “when it matters” the most. 

Democrats Lost Despite Sending Money on the Race

As Flores goes to Washington to represent the 34th Congressional District of Texas, the newly drawn maps already give Democrats a significant edge in the district. This will make it challenging for Flores to retain the seat.

After the historic loss, many Democratic incumbents who have a majority of Latino voters in their districts approached Maloney.

Rep. Slyvia Garcia requested a meeting with the DCCC chair next week. This is also expected to be attended by other Texas incumbents, including Gonzalez, Veronica Escobar, Cueller, and Joaquin Castro.

For all of these incumbents, the loyalty of Latino voters is important for winning their elections.

Escobar noted the DCCC decision of not spending a significant amount of money on the elections cost them the race.

She further asserted even if it is a special election, it is not a wise approach to leave the turf for the rival party. Each and every election holds significant importance in making a narrative for the upcoming midterms.

While Democrats continue to blame their leadership for not pouring money into the elections, this is a faulty assertion itself. Just one week before the elections, a super PAC related to Nancy Pelosi made a six-figure investment in winning the Texas election.

Meanwhile, Republicans believe they have successfully addressed the pressing issues of Latino voters, which can help them in the midterm elections.

Ronna McDaniel, Republican National Committee chair, stated this Hispanic support would pave the way for Republicans to trigger a red wave across the country soon.


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