The Jan. 6 Panel’s Integrity is Threatened


Last Thursday, House Jan. 6 committee chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) said the following in his opening statement:

“January 6th and the falsehoods that led to rebellion have put 2.5 centuries of democracy at risk. Nothing could be more vital at this time when threats to our Constitution and democracy loom enormous.”

This was nothing other than an attempt to increase the likelihood of Democrats holding control of Congress.

Supporting Each Other

At the same time Thompson and his Democratic allies are informing the nation of the alleged ongoing threat Jan. 6 presents to our democracy, Democrats around the country are assisting Republicans who backed Jan. 6 in winning their respective primaries. 

In the same way former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) defeated former Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) after aiding him in defeating more moderate opponents, other weak Democrats may win their national elections this year by running against Republicans who favor January 6. 

Attorney General Josh Shapiro (D) launched television advertisements to help state Sen. Doug Mastriano (R), who was physically present at the January 6 incident, win his primary in Pennsylvania’s gubernatorial election.

Mastriano is so dedicated to the January 6 movement that he vowed not to ratify the 2024 election if a Republican does not win.

In Colorado’s Republican Senate contest, a Democratic super PAC supported state Representative Ron Hanks in his bid against Joe O’Dea. Hanks was also at the riot on January 6 and believed Trump won the election.

Before Biden’s inauguration, Hanks claimed “foreign intelligence services” would soon release evidence showing Biden only won through fraud. 

What’s the harm in promoting Republicans who promote the “big lie” if it helps the Democrats win in November? 

Typically, such strategies are not remarkable. Politics is not comparable to Little League. It is well known that both parties support the weaker candidate in an opponent’s primary to facilitate an easier general election. 

These are not ordinary times, at least according to the committee of January 6th.

According to Thompson, Trump and other Republicans who continue to assert the erstwhile president won the 2020 election “threaten constitutional democracy.”


They cannot have it both ways.

Either January 6 represents an imminent crisis for our democracy, in which case we must combat the false claim that Trump won the 2020 election, or January 6 is merely another political tool to be used or ignored, based on short-term electoral calculations. 

By backing Republicans who propagate the illusion that Trump won the 2020 election, Democrats have entirely damaged the legitimacy of the committee appointed on January 6.

It has always been nothing but partisan political theater. 

This does not imply January 6 should be ignored. The Justice Department must continue investigating and prosecuting those responsible for breaching the Capitol. Riots weaken the rule of law; hence, rioters must be punished harshly.

It’s funny to think the only thing remaining between the United States and despotism are the purportedly courageous members of the January 6 committee.


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