Michigan Students Sue For Extra Safety Measures After Shooting


Students from multiple high schools in Michigan have filed a lawsuit against their school district over what they perceive to be screw-ups in safety procedures.

The students demand an independent inquiry into the district’s security policies and how they respond to threats. 

Not After Monetary Settlement

The district, its erstwhile superintendent, and other district leaders are named in the lawsuit submitted to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.

The lawsuit contends that students’ rights to security and education were violated when a mass shooting occurred at Oxford High School toward the end of the previous school year.

In contrast to other lawsuits, in which families requested millions in compensation for a shooting that, according to them, could have been avoided, the students are not looking for monetary compensation for their losses. 

According to the lawsuit, the school district should instead launch a completely public and impartial third-party review of the acts and events leading up to the incident.

It should also recommend policy reforms to boost transparency and communication about campus security.

In addition, the students demanded that a stop be put to the policy of concealing and reducing threats of violence.

The most recent lawsuit filed by a group of 20 high school students requests the district stop allowing students to come to school when it is determined they represent a risk to the school or the safety of other students.

On the day of the shooting, the parents of the suspect, Ethan Crumbley, were called to the school because of their son’s troubling behavior; nevertheless, the parents declined to take their son home.

Incident In November 2021

In connection with the shooting that took place at Oxford High School on November 30, 2021, which resulted in the deaths of four students and injuries to seven others, Crumbley was apprehended.

He was also charged with felony offenses, including one count of terrorist attack, four counts of murder, and seven counts of violent attacks with the intent to murder.

The juvenile, who is only 16 years old, is scheduled to stand trial in November. 

As a result of the event, multiple legal actions have been taken, some of which have been filed against Crumbley’s parents.

They are being accused of providing their son with access to the handgun used in the attack. They are being held in jail pending their trial for negligent homicide charges. 

According to the students’ allegations, school administrators brushed off their concerns. They ignored rumors of danger and potentially violent behavior in the weeks prior to the shooting. This led to the tragic event that occurred. 

In May, the school district made public its intention to launch an impartial inquiry into both the shooting incident and the subsequent actions taken by school administrators.

It is unclear when that investigation is expected to come to a close or what facts the officials will disclose at that time.


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