NYC Taxpayers Paying For Children Drag Shows


It has come to light that New York City taxpayers are contributing to the cost of some of the drag queen events being held for children. These events have been all over the news recently.

The New York Post stated Drag Story Hour NYC, a nonprofit organization that conducts events for children as young as three, was given $46,000 in municipal contracts for visits to public schools, street fairs, and libraries.

Since 2018, they’ve hauled in $207,000.

49 Drag Shows

According to the information provided on their website, the organization has supposedly staged 49 drag shows at public elementary, middle, and high schools located throughout the five boroughs of New York City.

Per reports, parents are not usually aware of these activities at their kids’ schools.

In response to the report, Queens City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino stated she is contemplating withdrawing money from any school in her area with a Drag Queen Story Hour.

“A lot of money is being taken out of the purses of hardworking taxpayers in New York to subsidize an event that teaches young kids about gender fluidity. What kind of message does it send to the next generation?”

“Not on my watch,” declared Paladino.

According to CBS News, she described the show as “unacceptable and nasty” and “child grooming and sexualization.”

Paladino stated she is vehemently opposed. For a six-year-old and an eight-year-old, it is provocative. They have the option of whether they choose to do this in libraries. She is all about choice and families have a choice.

If parents want to take their child to the library, they should do so. If it is what parents wish for their children to be exposed to, she supports it.

The city council member determined there was a time and place for it. It’s entertainment for adults.

Opposite Views

After receiving criticism, Paladino dug in on her position and refused to take responsibility.

The Queens councilwoman issued a statement on Friday evening, clarifying she is not retracting or apologizing for her remarks against utilizing government money to finance Drag Queen Story Hour in the public schools.

This kind of political, cultural, and social brainwashing of young children often happens without parents’ permission, is completely wrong and unethical, and she won’t stand for it.

On the other hand, the mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, supported drag events for children.

Adams said in a news release that drag storytellers, along with the libraries and institutions that help them, promote a love of variety, individual expression, and education, which are essential parts of what his community values.

At a time when LGBTQ+ groups are under growing attack around the country, he said, they must utilize the school system to educate. In addition to academic intelligence, children should also possess emotional intelligence.


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