One Massachusetts Gas Station Has Stopped Selling Gas


For as much as the Biden White House would like everyone to think gas prices are about corporate greed and price gouging, it simply isn’t the truth.

The reality here is that oil companies and gas stations are just as impacted by inflation as consumers are. When the prices for acquiring these products increase, companies that sell gas are forced to adjust their costs accordingly.

If companies didn’t modify their selling rates to keep up with higher acquisition costs, they’d be operating at a loss. Eventually, this would prevent them from being able to sell gas at all.

In Massachusetts, one gas station is so fed up with current gas prices that it’s not even selling gas anymore, according to Red State.

A Closer Look at Ren’s Mobile

Ren’s Mobile gas station primarily provides gas to college-aged customers. There are three different higher education sites in the vicinity, which explains the overwhelming amount of the customer base being college students.

Ren Gladu, the owner of Ren’s Mobile, is sick to death of high gas prices, however. Gladu claims what he’s seeing now with the costs of gas is the most significant “ripoff” he’s ever witnessed.

Furthermore, the Ren’s Mobile owner is flatly refusing to charge more than $4.75. After ExxonMobil put through a $0.20 daily increase in gas costs over 48 hours, this was the final straw for Gladu.

The small business owner reacted by shutting down shop. Gladu also put up signage alerting passersby that his station is “out of gas” altogether.

ExxonMobil’s pricing doesn’t sit well with Gladu, who believes gas stations are just making more money as everyone else struggles to survive and commute to work.

Meanwhile, ExxonMobil has a very different story concerning its gas prices.

Pushback on the “Corporate Greed” Narrative

According to ExxonMobil, factors involving business elements and competition in the labor market ultimately determine how much they charge for gas.

Wholesale product costs and crude oil rates also play a direct role in what the company ultimately ends up charging for gas. As it turns out transportation costs, inventory, the production of fuel, and more likewise affect what gas prices consumers wind up facing.

The corporate greed narrative also continues to be pushed hard by Joe Biden. Yet, what Biden won’t admit to Americans is that he could bring down gas costs by revoking his policies that make operations more difficult for the energy sector.

As the president refuses to do this, more middle-class and working-class Americans are going to continue to be caught in the crossfire.

What do you think about high gas prices in the United States? Are you shocked that at least one gas station quit selling altogether? Please share your input in the comments section.


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