Pro-Choice Militia Vandalized GOP Congressman’s Office

"Abortion Stops a Beating Heart Sign" (CC BY-SA 2.0) wht_wolf9653

Pro-choice far-left militia, Jane’s Revenge, vandalized the campaign office of Republican Congressman Tim Walberg.

The congressman is a loud critic of pro-abortion politics and calls himself a “strong conservative.”

Office of Anti-Abortion Activist Vandalized By Militant Group

According to Walberg, he will neither bow down to the radical activists nor compromise on his ideology, even after the violent attacks.

Walberg’s campaign released the images of the dangerous incident. This showed the attackers broke windows, smashed doors, and sprayed the name of the violent group, Jane’s Revenge, in all caps.

The conservative congressman has its campaign office in the building of a local pro-life organization named Jackson Right to Life.

While condemning the attacks, Walberg called the attackers “domestic terrorists” who want to pressure anti-abortion politicians for personal gains.

Although the Jackson Police and Fire Service Director Elmer Hitt noted the attacks are being investigated, no individual has been arrested as of now.

The silence of the White House and top Democratic congressional leadership was also disturbing for the congressman.

He indicated President Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have refused to condemn these sorts of attacks on conservative figures. 

This is not the first time Jane’s Revenge has been violent to defend abortion rights.

Previously, the militia also took responsibility for vandalizing many offices of anti-abortion groups and churches after knowing about the possible Supreme Court decision in the high-profile Roe v. Wade case.

Earlier this month, Jane’s Revenge acknowledged its role in vandalizing the crisis pregnancy centers in Washington state, Washington D.C., and Maryland.

That acknowledgment prompted a group of Republican senators to write a letter to the Department of Justice so the safety of anti-abortion groups could be ensured.

Democrats Largely Silent on Pro-Abortion Militia

The only Democrat who spoke in favor of Walberg was Michigan Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, whose office has also been vandalized in the past.

Last November, a group of violent protesters broke into Dingell’s office and took some items belonging to her husband, John Dingell. Though the motives of the attackers remained unknown.

According to the Michigan congresswoman, every American has a right to freedom of speech; no one should be barred from this right by violence.

Thus, Dingell stated she condemned the attacks and was grateful no one was physically harmed.

Pro-choice violence has increased dramatically ahead of the verdict of the Supreme Court, which is likely to restrict abortion access in many states. The top court can announce the verdict at any time.

Reportedly, these protests were amplified under the watch of the White House, which consistently refused to condemn them.

Even after Jane’s Revenge’s persistent efforts to harm anti-abortion groups and individuals, the DOJ is yet to condemn the group, let alone staring an inquiry against it.


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