New Gun Control Laws: Everything You Need to Know


The largest gun control package to be submitted in the US in decades was signed into law on Saturday by President Biden.

This came after the nonpartisan legislation passed both chambers of Congress.

Biden Thinks This Will Save Him

The Bipartisan Safe Communities Act, which was approved by the Senate on Thursday, was approved by the House on Friday by a vote of 234 to 193.

The bill’s key measures include extending mandatory background checks for people between the ages of 18 and 21, providing incentives for states to enact “red flag” laws, boosting school security in an effort to avoid mass shootings, and increasing access to health programs.

Following shooting incidents in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas, which left 21 people dead, including 19 children, the measure was passed. The age of the two shooters was 18.

The president declared, “We are doing something significant at a time when it appears hard to get something done in Washington.”

The plan has the support of both Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York.

“Make no bones, behind the masquerade and the artificial sound bites of safety, school security, and psychological health, THIS IS A GUN CONTROL BILL,” the National Rifle Association (NRA) wrote on Twitter in response to Biden’s signing of the legislation.

Prior to this, the NRA spoke out against the proposal, saying it “does little to truly curb violent crime, while opening a door to needless constraints on the exercise of Second Amendment rights by law-abiding firearm owners.”

In a message sent to Twitter, Gun Owners of America, a gun lobby, stated it “will fight these unlawful regulations in court to safeguard the rights of all Americans.”

The Regulations

In an effort to stop such mass shootings, the plan would allocate $15 billion over the following five years for increased access to mental health services and to boosting school security.

The proposed law would also require further checks of juvenile records for anybody attempting to purchase a firearm between the ages of 18 and 21.

Additionally, it would close the alleged “boyfriend loophole.” If their victim is their current or recent romantic partner, guilty spousal abusers would be prohibited from purchasing firearms under the draft regulations.

Additionally, the plan will contribute $750 million in funds as an inducement to implement red flag legislation in the 19 states across the United States which have them.

This makes it simpler to temporarily seize guns from those regarded to be a danger to themselves or others.

The bill also modifies existing legislation to require federal firearm licensee registration for anyone who frequently purchases and sells firearms “primarily for profit.”

These gun dealers would be obliged to conduct background checks before any sales with this designation.


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