Far-Left Turns Towards Armed Resistance to Protect Abortion


Far-left groups are resorting to armed violence after the termination of abortion access by the Supreme Court in the Roe v. Wade case.

Some radical liberal groups have even called to burn all the churches, triggering a backlash from far-right groups, which are also likely to respond to radical threats.

Far-Left Vows to Burn All Churches

Lisa Kaplan, the CEO of Alethea group, a company that counters online misinformation campaigns, stated the calls for “politically charged” violence from both extremes are rising after the Supreme Court verdict.

A post on a far-left social media channel stated all the churches, except black ones, should be burned.

These dangerous remarks came as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a memo warning about forthcoming violence in the country.

The memo suggested faith-based organizations and reproductive health facilities are most prone to this violence. 

According to the department, federal officials and judges involved in the verdict face severe danger, adding this violence can continue “for weeks.”

The memo also mentioned a far-left group, Jane’s Revenge, which remained involved in a score of violent events after the leak of the Supreme Court’s documents last month.

As per the agency, the group acknowledged responsibility for vandalizing a campaign office of a conservative lawmaker, as well as attacking many anti-abortion groups after the high-profile leak.

These violent threats are also mobilizing the far-right, which brings two extreme ideologies face to face on American streets.

Some far-right social media posts have urged people to come and protect churches after the far-left warned of destroying all religious institutions.

According to Alethea, these far-right entities named some specific churches in Detroit and Costa Mesa, so their supporters could go there and defend those institutions.

Other such posts have warned far-right activists to prepare to retaliate if leftist groups, including BLM and Antifa, move forward with the violence.

Extreme Radical Protests Already a Reality

Meanwhile, a charged mob in Arizona raided the state Senate as the state moved forward toward banning abortion procedures.

The hyperemotional protesters pounded on the glass doors and windows of the state Capitol. This urged police to use tear gas against the crowd.

At the time of the attack, state lawmakers were inside the building.

A Republican representative of Arizona, Justin Wilmeth, noted he was working in the building when he sensed “pure chaos” outside the legislature.

Likewise in Washington D.C, a group of protesters gathered to burn the American flag and cheered in the background as the flag turned to ashes.

In the wake of the radical demonstrations, many pro-choice women vowed to start abstinence or no sex drives.

The hashtag #SexStrike dominated the Twitter discourse on Saturday.

Liberal women emphasized they will keep their “Holy Grail” to themselves if men do not come forward to protect their abortion rights.


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