Biden Displeased With Democrats Not Supporting His Re-election Plans


At this point, it’s abundantly obvious that many Democrats do not believe Joe Biden is fit to run for office again in 2024.

Democrats have made this clear in various op-eds published in The Atlantic, the New York Times, etc. Reasons cited include the current president’s age and all the baggage that’s accompanied his time in office thus far.

No matter how the White House works to spin crime, inflation, and gas prices, they’re still a mess. These problems weren’t what they are today before Biden landed in the White House.

Now, PJ Media reports that Biden isn’t too happy with members of his own party imploring him not to run for re-election.

A Major Thorn in Biden’s Side

The president seems to believe that his party should support him merely because he’s the incumbent candidate. This is what he’s reportedly conveyed to his advisers in private.

Apparently, Biden is writing off the very real concerns expressed by his party as nothing more than repeats from critics during the 2020 presidential election.

On top of this, the president is working to cover his bases by having people working for him in various battleground states, along with making headway in the DNC.

The latest reports show that Biden has zero plans of going off quietly or otherwise riding into the sunset and passing on 2024.

Biden repeatedly claims that he’s the one Democrat who is capable of beating former President Trump in 2024, should Trump decide to run.

In spite of these claims, Biden’s dealing with historically low polling and is overseeing a series of policies hurting Americans day in and day out.

It’s no coincidence that less than two years into Biden’s presidency, members of his own political party have determined that re-election isn’t something he should go for.

Major Markers of Failure

With Biden in the White House, Democrats are widely projected to lose the midterm elections. Republicans, meanwhile, are expected to take back the House of Representatives, with the Senate being a possibility also.

This, alone, speaks to the gravity of failures that have emerged on the current president’s watch. Biden’s been blaming everyone from Republicans to Putin and others for very real problems in America.

At the end of the day, these problems are happening on the watch of not just a Democratic president, but also a Congress that is controlled by the Democrat Party.

When it’s all said and done, Americans want change. That change extends not only to the November midterms, but also to the 2024 presidential election.

What do you think about the growing number of Democrats insisting that Biden should forgo re-election in 2024? Let us know in the comments area below what you believe this means for Biden’s presidency.


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