Global Leaders Smacked Biden Over Horrible Texas Disaster


Global politicians are backing Republicans’ narrative over the tragic disaster which left 51 illegal immigrants dead in an abandoned trailer in Texas. 

They suggest the inefficiency of the Biden administration in tackling the immigration crisis led to the horrible event.

Global Consensus: Biden Responsible For Mass Deaths of Illegal Immigrants

The president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, claimed the “lack of control” at the US-Mexico border resulted in the disaster.

Similarly, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei, who is currently present in the United States, noted that only “walls of prosperity” can avoid events.

He was referring to a Trump-era-based physical barrier policy that will repel illegal immigrants and cartels from coming to the United States.

Giammattei also scolded Vice President Kamala Harris for sending only a half-hearted message to illegal immigrants, which left much room for misinterpretation.

Speaking to Fox News, Giammettei stated the “lukewarm” messages of politicians are not enough to deter illegal immigrants.

While referring to Biden’s presidential campaign promise of reunifying separated families at the border, Giammettei stated these sorts of “humanitarian messages” are usually perceived in a “distorted manner.”

Although President Biden called the event “horrifying and heartbreaking” and signaled to chase the human smuggling industry, he ignored the impacts of his own administration’s hyper-liberal policies.

Many reports previously established that weak law enforcement practices invite human smuggling cartels to bring and sell immigrants into the United States.

However, the Biden administration kept on ignoring those reports in its bid to appease progressive voters.

Biden Continuously Lying About Southern Border Status

According to the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, this episode could have been avoided, had the Biden administration secured the US border in the first place.

Abbott also accused Biden of helping human smuggling cartels and allowing illegal immigrants to come to America by putting their lives at risk.

Border officials are also criticizing Biden for his poor law enforcement practices. As per the National Border Patrol Council, the White House falsely claimed the southern border is “closed.”

The Border Patrol Unit asked Biden how a trailer full of illegal immigrants penetrated 250 miles into the United States from a “closed border.”

As Biden continues his post-disaster mourning, Mexican cartels are celebrating on TikTok how they make millions of dollars by smuggling humans into the United States.

This event also signifies the extent to which human, child, and sex smuggling is happening under the nose of the Biden administration.

Experts suggest this was just one trailer that was caught because of the mass deaths, but uncountable trailers successfully make their way into the United States without any notice.

Last month, the illegal immigrant encounters at the Mexico border broke all the one-month records of the past century, which indicates the severity of the prevailing border crisis.

In the first 16 months of Biden’s presidency, federal officials had almost 2.975 million encounters with illegal immigrants who tried to enter America.


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