New Study: Marijuana is Chronically Dangerous to Health


A new study reveals cannabis consumers are more likely to be hospitalized than those who do not use this drug.

Despite having so many studies against the consumption of marijuana, many Democrats still want to legalize this drug, compared to Republicans, who largely oppose it.

Even though cannabis is banned under federal law in America, it is widely consumed by a significant majority of Americans.

Marijuana Use Declared “Clinically” Dangerous

According to  Dr. Nicholas Vozoris, an associate scientist at the St. Michael’s Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, the general population is prone to “clinically serious negative outcomes” after consuming cannabis. 

He noted the consumption of cannabis is associated with heightened health risks, compared to tobacco.

Unlike Tobacco, Vozoris continued, people may think cannabis is good for health and end up consuming it just to face negative consequences.

Firstly, the researchers collected the data from the people who themselves reported the use of cannabis and linked it with their health data from different databases.

This data was then compared with the health information of three types of people: those who never consumed cannabis, those who used it only once in their lifetime, and those who consumed it more than a year ago.

Many other variables were also considered, including the mental health of respondents, age groups, use of other drugs, etc.

While researchers did not find prominent differences in lung conditions between the cannabis users and non-cannabis users, they did find out drug users were 22% more admitted to hospitals and various emergency centers.

This study was carried out by independent nonprofit organizations, Unity Health Toronto and ICES.

Americans Still Consume Marijuana in Big Numbers

Previous research has established that marijuana users who smoke more than 20 times a month for 10 years end up facing lung dysfunction.

So this time, researchers believed their sample group had people who were not exposed to marijuana for such a long time, which justifies no adverse effects on lungs in this poll of patients.

This latest study is also a moment of concern for American cannabis users, as at least 19 states have laws that allow the sale of this drug.

In addition to that, marijuana can also be found for either medicinal or recreational purposes in all states other than Kansas, Nebraska, and Idaho.

As per the CDC, this is the most common “federally illegal drug” in America, which was consumed by nearly 48.2 million Americans in 2019 alone.

Over the years, legalizing marijuana has emerged as a partisan issue in the United States.

Different polls have indicated a vast majority of Democratic voters want Congress to legalize the drug, at least partially.

However, a deep political divide stopped Congress from reaching any legislation and decriminalizing the sale of this dangerous drug.


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