Biden Comes Up With New Way to Distract Americans


If the Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony that is about to take place at the White House were a themed party, it would be appropriate for Halloween.

The ideal character representing Biden would be Freddy Krueger because this administration has been the biggest nightmare for most Americans.

Want proof? Just go to the gas station or take a look at polls about support for the Biden regime, which are at all-time lows.

In any case, the Medal of Freedom is once again set to happen, a lame attempt to distract Americans from our current reality with political theatrics.

What is the Medal of Freedom?

The White House has a tradition of hosting a ceremonial Medal of Freedom every several years, in which it honors civilians who the president believes contributed a lot to American society.

It’s a way of rewarding those who were significant in some aspect of public or private interest. This can be related to security, culture, world peace, or representing US interests.

In reality, the ceremony tends to be more a way of virtue signaling for the GOP and Democrat Parties to reward its icons, people who it approves of, and wants to recognize publicly.

The date of the next ceremony is scheduled for next week. The White House has so far announced 17 people, including the deceased and the living who will receive this tribute.

Who’s Getting the Medal This Time?

As usual, some of the names released are controversial. The more extremist a president is, the greater the chances of being highly criticized.

In Trump’s administration, when he handed the Medal of Freedom to late radio host Rush Limbaugh, he suffered intense criticism from the opposition who claimed Limbaugh was too far right.

In the face of some of Biden’s choices, Republicans will have plenty of fodder to criticize and identify problems.

Among the people Biden will give medals to is the first nurse to receive the dangerous COVID vaccine on live TV, one Sandra Lindsay, as well as football player Megan Rapinoe, who blatantly disrespected our National Anthem.

Another controversial recipient is Raul Yzaguirre, the former head of the racist, left-wing Latino supremacist organization La Raza (“the Race”).

More Recipients

More recipients include Olympic gymnast Simone Biles, actor Denzel Washington, former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, Apple founder Steve Jobs, late Senator John McCain, deceased union chief Richard Trumka and Khizr Khan, father of fallen American hero Capt. Humayun Khan.

The only ones deserving on this list are Khan, Washington, Jobs, and Biles. However, the reason Khan is being chosen is because of the offensive things said by President Trump to his parents.

In addition to being a great inventor, Jobs was also a major revolutionary thinker for the technology industry as a whole. He died at the age of 56 from cancer. He deserved so badly to have received this award in life.

Denzel Washington, besides being an amazing actor, has supported many social projects helping our young people, including the Boys & Girls Clubs of America.

Simone Biles is an incomparable gymnast and inspiring Olympic record holder who withstood abuse and hardship to get to where she is.

These are some great people, but it doesn’t mean Biden can trick us with his bread and circuses.


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