A New Watchdog Read to Hold Biden’s White House Accountable

"Joe Biden" by Gage Skidmore

A new project, “Inside Biden’s Basement,” is exposing the officials of the Biden administration who are steering America into crisis.

Even though Biden championed ethics and put them at the forefront of his governance model, he is yet to take any action against his own advisers who are abusing power to the fullest.

Biden’s White House is Challenged By a New Watchdog

The communication director of the website, insidebidensbasement.org, Derrick Hollie, told Fox News Americans have been facing an unprecedented crisis since Biden’s inauguration.

This crisis, as per Hollie, can be seen in the disastrous growth in gas prices and the disregard of the president for ethical practices.

Hollie pointed out continuous efforts of the White House to walk back Biden’s controversial comments, saying this pattern depicts Biden is not the actual person in charge.

So, his website will expose everyone within the administration who is pushing America into a “ditch.”

Hollie, who served in the Department of Transportation under President Trump, stated his website aims to disclose hard-to-obtain public records, which will bring transparency in these dark times. 

The website tells its users about the real power centers within the Biden administration that are controlling the president from behind the scenes.

In addition to this, the records of White House staffers and administration officials can also be found on the website. This can easily be filtered using the first names, last names, and the names of their agencies.

As many officials of the administration have deep connections with interest groups, the project also aims to expose conflicts of interest that may hinder the government’s operations.

According to the website, a number of officials of the present administration have “amassed fortunes” that others can “only dream of,” which will also be revealed on the platform.

Power Abuse is a Normal Activity in Biden’s White House

Biden’s White House has long remained an epicenter of power abuse, as high-profile staffers of the president are trying their best to escape the law.

One example is senior adviser Anita Dunn, who joined Biden for the third time since his inauguration. Despite having the back-and-forth motion in and out of the White House, Dunn has not yet filed her financial disclosure forms.

So, the new project will be helpful in bringing these sorts of power abusers into the spotlight, which can force the government to take action against them.

Even though officials of the Obama administration are criticizing Dunn for abusing her power, Dunn still seems unmoved.

Walter Shaub, an ethics chief of former President Obama, said the third term of Dunn is a textbook example of a high-profile administration’s influence hanging through the “revolving door” of Biden’s White House.

This suggests the president just sees ethics as a set of rules that are supposed to be disregarded.

The former Obama official said Biden claims to be more ethical than Trump, but these ethics do not come under the first “999 things” the president cares about at the moment.


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