Liberals Do Not Want to Celebrate Independence Day


Leftist extremists are calling for Americans to boycott Independence Day this July 4, due to the Supreme Court’s abortion ruling. 

Some of them even want to “burn” the whole country as they seek violence ahead of the biggest day of the country.

Liberals Don’t Want to Celebrate Independence Day

Many liberals expressed their hate for America on Twitter, noting they will not celebrate Independence Day this year.

They believe women are not free in the United States anymore after the Supreme Court verdict, as their fundamental rights have been snatched.

A significant portion of left-leaning media personalities are even remembering Donald Trump and the January 6 chaos, which according to them, ruined their Independence Day celebration.

Some extremists are even expressing their desire to “blow up” the whole country on July 4.

Liberal media is leading these efforts of making Independence Day controversial.

Dean Obeidall, an MSNBC contributor, asserted the Supreme Court deprived women of “personal freedom” with the abortion verdict, which makes Independence Day redundant.

Likewise, liberal author Don Winslow wrote on the anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, July 2, that July 4 will mean nothing to him, as civil rights are not available in the country even in 2022.

Tom Peters, a left-leaning writer and a business author, wrote on his Twitter profile that it is impossible to think about July 4 without taking January 6 into consideration.

Similarly, media personality Brandi Glanville noted she does not “live in a free country anymore,” so July 4 will just be another day.

In addition to that, Nina Turner, an MSNBC host and a former Democratic Ohio state senator, asserted conservatives have no right to celebrate Independence Day since they curb basic human rights.

Mass Protests Planned on July 4

Furthermore, Luke Zaleski, an official of mass media company Condé-Nast, also highlighted Americans have to understand on Independence Day that Trump orchestrated a “domestic terror attack” on Capitol Hill by breaking all the laws of the nation.

Condé-Nast is the parent company of many notable media groups, including the New Yorker and Vanity Fair.

The features editor for Hollywood outlet Screen Rant, Alisha Grauso, also pointed out she does not feel any “rah-rahing” for America this time. Her reply to her own tweet was even more critical, where she asked people to “burn this country.”

Meanwhile, many leftist groups are either planning or have already started pro-choice marches ahead of Independence Day to make the all-important day controversial.

Protesters in one such march in Mobile, Alabama chanted radical slogans and asked Americans to boycott celebrations of July 4 to demonstrate against the historic Supreme Court ruling.

Reportedly, eight different rallies are planned in Alabama alone on Monday, which will disrupt public celebrations of Independence Day.

Similarly, a Florida-based radical left group, Ban Off Our Bodies, announced a retail spending ban over the weekend to protest against abortion restrictions.


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