Trump’s Top Competition For 2024


President Trump made it clear he is most likely running for POTUS once again in 2024. However, his official announcement still hasn’t been made.

There is speculation it could come very soon, which would make headlines for weeks and cause a very big buzz.

However, as Trump prepares for a possible run, it’s worth looking at his top competition.

There are actually five main contenders for president, apart from Trump. These are people who could cause a real headache to the former commander-in-chief and possibly even beat him.

5. Larry Hogan

Larry Hogan is the governor of Maryland and a leading opponent of Trump in the Republican Party. The chance of him running is fairly high; although the chance of Hogan getting very far is low.

That’s why he’s number five on this ranked list. Hogan’s made it clear he fiercely opposes a Trump 2024 run and would like to run in a Reagan-style campaign.

4. Mike Pence

Mike Pence isn’t very popular among a lot of America First conservatives for failing to back up Trump’s claims of 2020 election fraud.

However, Pence is still a savvy politician with plenty of funding and support in various areas of the conservative movement.

It looks like he’s lining up a run for 2024. He’s even been explaining he didn’t have authority to overturn the 2020 results, which is why he didn’t get involved.

Could Pence emerge as a 2024 contender? It’s certainly possible; although his chances still remain quite low.

3. Mike Pompeo

Next up is Mike Pompeo, Trump’s former secretary of state and a smart, determined politician.

Pompeo has shown definite signs of wanting to run; although it’s possible he’ll also be tapped for the VP spot in the event of a Trump or DeSantis run.

Pompeo’s loyalty to Trump has never really been questioned. His creation of a large PAC that’s been boosting races nationally shows he’s serious about his future role as a GOP top dog.

Pompeo hasn’t announced yet, but don’t be surprised when he does.

2. Ted Cruz

In second spot is Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. This guy had his controversies and he also has a past unsuccessful presidential run in 2016.

Though don’t forget he came second to being nominated, and then managed to position himself as a loyal Trump defender.

Cruz has also made a very strong stand against the federal government’s overreach and proven himself a fierce defender of gun rights, religious freedom, and border security.

This guy should never be underestimated and there is a very high chance he runs and does very well, even against Trump.

1. Ron DeSantis

There is no doubt DeSantis is the top threat to Trump. He hasn’t yet announced and is still focused on getting re-elected in the Florida gubernatorial election.

Though DeSantis clearly has ambitions beyond being governor of Florida and is an enormously popular, capable conservative.

The chance he runs is very high, and the chance he becomes the Republican nominee or a VP pick is considerable.

Have I missed anyone on this list? Let me know.


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