Abortion Specialists Resort to Committing Murder at Sea


In order to help women avoid abortion restrictions in their home districts, a female abortion provider with years of experience (who also teaches at the University of California, San Francisco) plans to terminate pregnancies on board a ship on federal seas in the Gulf of Mexico.


Obstetrician, as well as gynecologist Dr. Meg Autry, made the observation that women in certain southern states may find it simpler to have abortions, because the boat would be nearer to their coastal regions, rather than catching a flight to another state.

The ship would be operating outside of state waters nine nautical miles off the coastline and three miles from the shores of Alabama, Louisiana, as well as Mississippi, under the plan, which is currently in the funding phase.

It is “a remedy for individuals seeking reproductive care and medical abortion when it is illegal or difficult,” according to Autry’s organization, Protecting Reproduction Rights of Women Threatened by State Statutes (PRROWESS).

Even if it’s paid for, getting to an accessible state is “just unbelievably difficult,” Autry told KCBS. This proposal for surgical dismissals is not only novel and distinct, but it is also faster, closer, and easier to reach than alternative solutions.

Women who are up to 14 weeks pregnant can have an abortion performed by Autry and her co-workers.

According to Autry, who has fought her entire life for reproductive freedom and health, “abortion rights have been attacked in our nation.”

“‘To enable people in restricted states to obtain the health care they need, we must develop options and exercise thoughtfulness and creativity.'”

Following last month’s Supreme Court decision that invalidated Roe v. Wade, abortion has now been outlawed in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, as well as Texas.

They are Ruthless

In an interview with NBC Bay Area, Autry said, “‘It is my life’s mission.'” She continued,

“‘Partly the reason we’re starting to work on this venture so hard is just that wealthy people in the united states are always will go to have access [to abortions].”

“So again, it’s a time where now poor, persons of color, [and] marginalized private citizens, are going to be suffering — and by having to suffer I mean like lost lives.'”

In California, Family Planning Mar Monte’s president, Stacy Cross, said that “we’ve talked about issues like vessels on federal waterways out over the five mile mark throughout the years.”

According to the PRROWESS website, “PRROWESS is committed to being a protecting shelter for people in states where their freedoms are severely damaged by legislation restricting their access to reproductive treatment.”

“PRROWESS thinks that collectively we can and will re-assert sovereignty over our bodies and lives, no matter how harsh actions targeting reproductive freedom grow in magnitude.”


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