San Francisco Voters Recall Their District Attorney


Crime is a growing issue in communities across the United States. It’s fact of life today that fewer people are safe when they’re out and about.

Some Democratic officials have blamed new rises in crime on poverty, the NRA, and other sources that are not connected to what’s happening.

Furthermore, Democrats are largely ignoring the ways in which lackluster enforcement of the law encourages criminal activity.

Americans are getting sick of it, though. This is why more people are purchasing firearms in order to protect themselves and remain safe.

Exasperation with crime is also why Chesa Boudin was booted out of office as San Francisco’s district attorney, per Newsmax.

What to Know About Boudin’s Ouster

The progressive district attorney was removed from office after San Francisco voters grew fed up with the upticks in major crime.

Burglaries, shoplifting, and other disturbing acts of lawlessness happened on Boudin’s watch. Yet, none of this motivated the now-former district attorney to stop picking the interests of criminals over the interest of law-abiding citizens.

During the recall, it was also revealed that Boudin’s parents were tied to a lot of criminal activity themselves. One can only imagine whether or not this played a role in how the San Francisco district attorney governed while in office.

In the days leading up to his removal, Boudin didn’t show any kind of remorse or regret for the dangers and frustrations experienced by San Francisco residents.

Instead, he simply lashed out at the people seeking to recall him. Not only did the recall succeed, but it also succeeded with over 60% of the San Francisco community voting for him to be booted out of office.

The Moral of the Story

When officials are elected into public office, their duties are to serve the best interests of the people, not use the office as a platform for their own political agendas.

If Boudin had taken his work seriously, if he’d taken measures to hold criminals accountable, he would very likely still be the district attorney of San Francisco today.

Most people of all political stripes don’t want to live in communities that are unsafe. Boudin’s recall should serve as a lesson to other left-wing district attorneys across America who may feel inclined to let criminals skate by with impunity.

Due to Boudin’s recall, San Francisco Mayor London Breed will have to select a new district attorney. Hopefully, Boudin’s successor will learn from his mistakes.

What do you think about San Francisco voters booting out their soft-on-crime district attorney? Do you believe other leftist district attorneys will face the same fate across the country?

Don’t hesitate to share your takeaways and opinions about this down below in the field for comments.


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