San Francisco Take Surprising U-Turn on Politics


There are few places more progressive than San Francisco, California. This once great city is a bastion of far-left radicalism, alternative lifestyles, drug legalization, and left-wing politics.

Though even San Franciscans have their limits. Recently, they expressed those at the polls, turning in a surprising decision and recalling a key top official.

This shows just how fluid American politics can be. When you think people will always vote one way, they go right ahead and prove you wrong.

San Franciscans Boot Boudin

Chesa Boudin was the district attorney for San Francisco up until yesterday. He’s now history. This ultra-progressive DA faced a recall election on Tuesday and has now been booted to the curb.

His tenure as DA for the city saw a huge rise in crime, drug abuse, homelessness, theft, and lawlessness. It turns out even bleeding heart San Franciscans have their limits for how much they’ll tolerate living in an open-air cesspit.

Boudin’s parents are literally left-wing terrorists from a group called the Weather Underground. He was raised deep in the mud of far-left radicalism and absorbed its lenient attitude toward crime and anything that opposes the “system.”

It is highly ironic, then, that he became DA in charge of applying the law.

The only thing he seemed to want to do was to allow the city to turn into a lawless inferno full of rampant drug abuse, violent crime, and lawless disorder.

A stunning 61% of San Franciscans told him to get lost, and he’s now been recalled.

What Blue City is Next?

Could New York City DA Alvin Bragg be next?

Despite not having a state mechanism for recalling the DA by vote, New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul does have the power to decide Bragg is not measuring up and remove him from office.

What about other blue city DAs like Democrat Larry Krasner of Philadelphia or Travis County DA Jose Garza who’s allowed Austin, Texas to turn into a surging crime hot spot?

The recall of Boudin is very big news; it shows the first signs of real liberals pushing back against soft-on-crime DAs. These are the kind of people who let their cities go to hell, allowing “justice reform” that rewards criminals and gives them free rein.

Even San Francisco Mayor London Breed has taken steps to stop being so far left. She said the “bullsh*t” that’s wrecking the city in the form of crime and drug abuse is going to be cracked down on.

It’s worth remembering that Boudin barely won his position in 2019, riding on the waves of far-left activism to claim that punishing criminals is racist. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean his recall was expected in any way.

This is a big surprise and has the Democrat Party panicking.


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