Michigan Republican Ryan Kelley Arrested By the FBI


The investigations over the Capitol riots occurring on January 6, 2021 are far from over. To this day, the congressional committee centering around 1/6 is still actively working.

Meanwhile, authorities are still apprehending individuals who were found to have been involved in what took place that day.

Some people who engaged in these riots were subsequently turned in to law enforcement by relatives, friends, or even people they matched with on dating websites.

Other people were found out via social media postings they made about their involvement in the Capitol riots. Law enforcement has been very clear that they intend to hold accountable every single person who was involved.

This is what makes the arrest of Michigan Republican and gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelley stand out, per Red State.

Everything to Know About Kelley’s Arrest

Kelley’s arrest by the FBI comes as a result of multiple federal charges.

At this time, the Michigan Republican stands accused of harming federal property, carrying out violence on restricted grounds, entering restricted grounds without permission, along with disorderly conduct.

According to the FBI, Kelley is on video helping rioters into the Capitol, ripping down Capitol barricades, and even videotaping attacks against law enforcement officers.

Each of these charges facing Kelley are misdemeanors.

Reactions to Kelley’s Arrest

Given Kelley’s current campaign to become the next governor of Michigan, it didn’t take long for the news of his arrest to spread and go viral.

Some people suggested the Michigan Republican was arrested as part of a larger vendetta against Republicans and enemies of the Deep State. Others said this could all be part of a plot to lessen the competition against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Democrats, on the other hand, shared very different views about Kelley being taken into custody by the FBI. They largely branded Kelley as an “insurrectionist,” likewise claiming he’s guilty of sedition.

Various Democrats also claimed the video footage that federal officials say they have of the Michigan Republican is proof enough of his guilt.

Suffice it to say, the political left soundly rejected the notion that Kelley’s arrest could be due to a political vendetta against Republicans.

People with left-of-center politics haven’t held back on social media, making it very clear they believe the Michigan Republican is guilty of what he’s being accused of.

It goes without saying that this arrest definitely puts a wrench in Kelley’s gubernatorial campaign in the state of Michigan.

What do you think about the FBI’s arrest of Michigan Republican Ryan Kelley? Do you believe the charges against him are going to stick? Is this arrest motivated by politics or something else?

Readers are more than welcome to share their views about this latest development in the comments area below.


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