Liberal Group is Now Revealing Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Private Details


An abortion-rights group, which published the address of conservative judges on its website, is still not stopping its dirty ambitions, even after a murder attempt on one of those judges.

This time, the group has called for protests outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. The group also revealed her children’s school name.

Liberal Group Has Turned Against Conservative Judges Once Again

While announcing the protests outside Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s house, the liberal group, Ruth Sent Us, invited people to join it for the demonstrations.

The most shocking thing was the group’s attempt to publish the schedule of the judge and the name of her children’s school.

Thus, the group mentioned the judge attends a church “daily” while she sent her seven children to a People of Praise school, in which she also serves on a board of directors.

Although the tweet was posted after the arrest of the potential murderer of Judge Kavanaugh, it was overshadowed by relatively bigger news.

These calls of the protests turned out to be effective as a group of people gathered outside Justice Barrett’s house on Thursday. With liberal banners in their hands, they also chanted pro-abortion slogans.

While the number of protesters were in the single digits, the most worrisome part for law enforcement agencies is the frequency of the protest, which puts judges’ lives at stake.

The Department of Homeland Security even warned extremist groups are likely to intensify their protests outside judges’ houses, amid increasing division within American society regarding the issue of abortion.

Ruth Sent Us Fights Against “Illegitimate Supreme Court”

In addition to that, the leftist group also posted an infographic in which it called for protests against Justice Barrett every Thursday.

By naming the school of Barrett’s children, the group asked people to come and “voice your concerns” against the judge who could restrict abortion in the country.

Publishing the addresses of conservative justices is not alien to the far-left group. Even though it pinned the locations of all six conservative justices on its website, the group denied doing it after the murder attempt on Justice Kavanaugh.

The group even took its website down to get away from any legal danger that may come its way after the potential-murderer’s confession that he obtained the Kavanaugh’s house address from the internet.

Although the far-left group speaks regarding a variety of issues, it mentions in its Twitter bio that its aim is to “expose” the “illegitimate Supreme Court” of the country.

In its bid to achieve this self-defined goal, the group focuses on a separate smear campaign against every single conservative judge.

It preaches to impeach conservative Judge Clarence Thomas for his wife’s alleged involvement in strengthening Trump’s voter fraud claims.


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