PETA Protesters in Starbucks End Up Getting Arrested


Over the years, there’s been a rise in support for products that are organic, vegan, plant-based, etc. Some people prefer these products and are more comfortable consuming them than their more mainstream counterparts.

However, some establishments charge extra for these sorts of foods. The price hikes aren’t too insane; however, certain folks don’t believe there should be a surcharge for these goods whatsoever.

This caused issues at a Starbucks location based in Chicago, Illinois. Demonstrators in support of PETA ended up protesting within the Starbucks; however, the whole thing ended with multiple arrests being made, per Fox News.

A Closer Look at the Protest

PETA protesters ended up making a scene in Starbucks. They didn’t just stand and hold signs, though. Two of the demonstrators actually decided to glue their hands to the coffee shop’s counter.

All of this happened because they wanted to make a point about Starbucks’ prices for milk products that are plant-based. These protesters aren’t happy that the products cost just a little bit more than their non-plant-based counterparts.

The price point by Starbucks has since been branded as a “vegan surcharge.” Meanwhile, the two men who chose to glue their hands onto Starbucks’ counter were later arrested by police officers.

Thankfully, the demonstrations didn’t spiral too far out of control and no one was injured, despite the commotion.

Officials with PETA have since said Starbucks has a greater interest in its own profits than in standing up for the rights of both animals and the environment.

Starbucks, meanwhile, claims that it supports its customers making their voices heard, so long as they don’t obstruct operations of the business in the process.

A Rise of More Extreme Protests

The notion of someone gluing themselves to a coffee shop’s countertop in order to make a  point is not as far removed from reality as some folks might like to imagine.

There have been protests outside of the very residences of United States Supreme Court justices. These protests stem back to a recent leak of a draft showing that justices are ready to overturn the ruling known as Roe v. Wade.

Across the United States, more folks are resorting to drastic measures in order to make their voices heard. To some people, there are safety concerns about how far these protests are going and the potential for individuals to be hurt in the process.

Environmental activists have certainly not been hesitating to make their views and voices heard in the manners they see fit, though.

What do you think about the PETA protests that ended in two individuals being taken into police custody? Please be sure to let us know all about your views below in the comments area.


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