Congresswoman Lauren Boebert Responds to Shocking Accusation


Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is under attack with some very shocking allegations.

These unproven rumors come from the same PAC that went after former Congressman Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina and got him to lose his primary.

The allegations against Boebert caused her lawyers to take action and threaten the American Muckrakers PAC with lawsuits for several specific accusations that Boebert says are untrue.

PAC Claims Boebert Was a Prostitute Who Had Abortions

Muckrakers says Boebert worked as an escort and ended up also having two abortions as a result of the job.

Boebert says the accusations are “partisan” lies that are “disgusting” and she’s not going to back down or resign because of this “vile conduct.”

These accusations have no actual proof at all. Unless there is evidence to back up what they’re saying, the two operatives behind Muckrakers are going to be looking at a pretty heavy defamation lawsuit here.

Boebert’s lawyer, Jonathan Anderson, said Muckrakers is doing hit jobs on candidates and can’t hide behind anonymity. They are clearly going after America First candidates who the Democrat Party dislikes and wants out of Congress.

It worked on Cawthorn. Now, they want to try it out on Boebert. The problem is even untrue allegations often leave enough doubt in voters that turnout suffers and a loss ensues.

What Else Do the Accusations Say?

Muckrakers claims to have a “verified source” close to everything that happened who can prove Boebert found escort clients on a sugar daddy website and had abortions in Glenwood Springs and Grand Junction, Colorado.

They claim Boebert slept with a client from the Koch family, who later introduced her to Ted Cruz. Cruz is said to have donated a large sum to her to help kickstart her political career in Colorado and astroturf her campaign as a populist conservative.

They say the source who knows about Boebert’s escort work hasn’t come forward by name, due to fear of “reprisals.”

The Muckrakers group also says Boebert and her husband have a longstanding problem with using crystal meth.

The Bottom Line

If Muckrakers PAC is making these kinds of serious allegations, it had better have serious supportive evidence. If the PAC does not have this, it is going to get its pants sued off.

This sounds a lot like a left-wing conspiracy and hit job to get rid of an America First conservative who loves the Second Amendment and President Trump.

If there is any element of truth to it whatsoever, Boebert’s political career will likely wind its wind down as a result; so the stakes are high.

As the midterms approach, watch out for more brazen hit jobs like this from powerful left-wing PACS and media outlets.


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