ALARMING: Republicans Are BEHIND in Congressional Polls


The latest polls reveal that Democrats are closing the gap with Republicans in a generic congressional ballot for the upcoming midterm elections.

With the Supreme Court abortion ruling and some recent deadly mass shootings, Democratic voters are now less worried about inflation and the poor health of the economy.

These are the two important factors on which Republicans are campaigning for 2022 elections.

Democrats Are Now Leading Congressional Polls

According to the poll of the Siena College Research Institute conducted on behalf of the New York Times, 41% of registered voters want Democrats to control Congress after the 2022 elections, while 40% of them want a Republican majority.

The remaining 19% of respondents are still undecided; so they can play a critical role in deciding the outcome of the midterm elections.

As per the new polls, the class gap is significantly widening in the country.

Non-white and working-class Democratic voters believe the economy is the major issue in the country, while white college graduates worry most about abortion access and the prevailing gun violence.

While Democrats make inroads into the white voters, the class divide is also helping Republicans who seem to impress non-white voters, particularly Hispanics who were traditionally associated with Democrats.

Dems Campaign on Abortion, Gun Violence Successfully Converting

According to the New York Times, Democrats hold an incumbency advantage. They have more fundraising in some key districts, which can help them in keeping many important districts blue.

On the other hand, Republicans are likely to win in many districts, due to the newly drawn maps and the tumbling economy, which is significantly impacting middle-class voters.

The polls also reveal that Democrats’ campaigning on the issue of abortion after the Supreme Court verdict is converting well.

In general, the economy is the most pressing issue for Republican voters, while Democrats are driven by abortion and gun violence.

Reportedly, 62% of Republicans label the economy or inflation as the “most important problem” in the country, while only 25% of Democrats consider these issues as the top priority.

Similarly, 77% of voters noted that America is currently heading in the wrong direction. Among party lines, 63% of Democrats claim that the country is moving in the wrong direction, while 89% of Republicans believe the same.

Although voter alienation was a Democrats’ problem in the previous polls, now more Republicans are unlikely to vote in the upcoming elections.

As per the poll, 90% of Democrats who were surveyed are sure to vote in the midterms, compared to 87% of Republicans who are absolutely certain to vote.

Experts believe abortion restrictions have mobilized Democrats as they try to bring more pro-choice lawmakers into Congress.

Some previous hot-button social issues were not present in the polls this time, as the survey was conducted just 11 days after the Supreme Court abortion ruling.

Only 4% of the voters combined stated they consider critical race theory, immigration, and crime as the most important issues in the country right now. These issues dominated all the previous polls where Republicans were significantly leading.


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