Arizona Takes Huge Step on Border Security


Arizona is one of the states in our country that has been most negatively impacted by illegal immigration.

The Biden administration has done nothing to support them in dealing with streams of thousands of illegal immigrants, along with the huge strains on border security and resources that this entails.

Now, Arizona’s Republican Governor Doug Ducey is stepping up and doing something about it, with a huge effort forward in border security for the Grand Canyon state.

Ducey Digs in His Heels

Just in May alone, US Border Patrol intercepted 239,000 illegal aliens at the border. Those are just the ones they caught and those are the official numbers. That’s a travesty.

The recent discovery of dozens of dead migrants in the back of an 18-wheeler, who overheated to death without water, also highlights the inhuman cruelty of the smugglers who make a profit from poor individuals.

Biden and his cronies encourage that, cynically talking up their fake concern for migrants in order to try to win over the Hispanic vote, which is steadily drifting away from them.

As we saw with the recent victory of Hispanic GOP member Mayra Flores in Texas’ 34th District, Latinos are not comfortable being token victims on behalf of Master Biden and his elitist administration.

Now, Governor Ducey is doing even more to protect Americans and migrants from the danger and burden of illegal immigration, announcing $335 million to build a border fence.

Part of a Bigger Package

The $335 million headed to construct a border fence and increase border tech to secure the frontier is part of a bigger package that will amount to over $560 million. This is the biggest amount Arizona’s ever shelled out for its border.

It’s clear Ducey is serious about this. He will be sending these funds to get the amount of personnel up, to police and construct the border.

Ducey said until Washington actually takes action, he’s going full speed ahead on this border wall and on bulking up security.

The border is the worst it’s been in a few decades right now. As Ducey said, trying to improve this “chaos” has been very difficult, including sending Arizona National Guard troops to the border.

Ducey has also allowed migrants free travel to Washington, DC if they so choose, helping send newcomers to Biden’s backyard where he can hopefully welcome them.

The Bottom Line

If the federal government won’t enforce American law, then the states will. Arizona’s not suddenly going to become secure overnight, but this is a step in the right direction.

Ducey is one of the governors who’s had enough of Biden’s negligence. He is putting his foot down to stop the malice that has left our borders so insecure.

Let’s wish Arizona luck as they work to resolve this tragedy of illegal immigration.


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