Art Piece Slammed on Social Media for Homosexual Representation of Jesus

"Jesus" by 246861

If you look back a couple of years, chances are you’ll remember the Charlie Hebdo incident.

This was when a French weekly satire magazine was heavily criticized for its comical depiction of the Islamic prophet Mohammed.

The world fired back on the artwork, sparking violent protests throughout the country.

Yet here we are, seven years later, and an Atlanta Art University just published a student’s artistic depiction of a homosexual Jesus; much to everyone’s surprise, it’s being celebrated.

“Driving Through Emory University” by

They’re turning religious figures gay!

Namely, Emory University created an Instagram post advertising their Senior Showcase where graduate Tommy Greenler’s self-portrait is on display.

The “art piece” in question depicts Greenler nailed to a cross, dressed in robes similar to those the Son of God wore during his crucifixion, followed by a lengthy caption underneath describing Greenler’s inspiration for the painting.

He opens decently tame, assuring that Jesus is, in fact, the most famous person to have ever lived, only to segue into the idea that the prophet had been a closeted homosexual, straying far from the well-established narrative of the Bible.

Greenler then supports this absurd idea by pointing out that Jesus lived with 12 of his “male admirers” and that only one of them, John, attended his crucifixion.

Christian college feeds into the LGBT agenda

Naturally, anyone brave, or better yet stupid enough, to say something like this in a Christian community like the one Greenler comes from, is bound to be criticized and frowned upon.

That’s especially if one equates themself to the Son of God in such a way.

Oddly enough, the college that included the art piece in their Senior Showcase, Emory College, is led by a Christian-leaning administration; the institution itself is aligned with the United Methodist Church.

However, if we look into their previous affairs, it’s easy to notice a pattern of Emory flirting with radical leftist ideas.

They’ve hosted drag shows, LGBTQ prayer groups, and even sacrilegious events, such as prayer recitals to “The Great Queer One”.

What’s more, Greenler himself is a well-known “drag queen” at Emory’s events, of which the most visited one is their yearly “Pride” drag show, organized by the college’s Emory Pride organization that’s been founded in 1991.

This year marked Greenler’s third time performing at the event.

He shared a “thank you” note on his Instagram account right after, claiming himself to have grown as both a queen and a person.

Aside from the fact that a transvestite painted a self-portrait of himself as Jesus, what this also means is his next works could easily include Jesus, and even the 12 apostles, in full drag.

This is likely to be the worst thing that’s happened to religious art since Cecilia Gimenez’s botched restoration of Jesus’ portrait.


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