Biden Falls Off Bike Hours After Caretaker Jill Saves Him From Reporters


President Joe “Multiple Crises” Biden fell off his bike while on a ride together with his wife, Jill, and their Secret Service detail.

This occurred hours after Biden suffered fresh public humiliation. Jill unabashedly swooped in and pulled him out from a crowd of reporters asking potentially inconvenient questions.

Jill Embarrasses Joe Big Time Before He Falls

Biden fell off his bike on Saturday morning after he and Jill went to their beach house in Rehoboth, Delaware.

The moment he tilted to the right and then fell with the bicycle was captured on cell phone footage by onlookers. This video quickly made it online to Twitter.

There were no immediate announcements from the White House about the incident, but it appeared Biden wasn’t seriously hurt.


Joe Biden was getting questions about his upcoming trip to Saudi Arabia, whose murderous regime he may soon be begging for more oil.

It was at this moment that caretaker-in-chief Jill Biden showed up right next to Sleepy Joe’s left shoulder and started saying “we gotta go.”

It was moments later she was tugging Biden as he was still struggling to respond to the journalists’ questions.

Biden’s pulling-out, executed powerfully by his wife, was evidently obtrusive and it nonetheless managed to rescue him from answering what he was being asked about.

(Social media footage snapshot shows the falling Joe Biden)
(Social media footage snapshot shows the falling Joe Biden)
(TV snapshot from C-Span)

Snatched by Jill Out of Washington

Just as Jill was giving him a tug, Sleepy Joe was actually repeating like a broken record that at the present moment, American citizens “shouldn’t be going” to Ukraine.

The entire episode of Jill’s intervention and the pulling away of her apparently senile husband was reminiscent in another way of the entire White House Easter Egg Roll embarrassment.

Back then, Jill was caught on a hot mic telling Sleepy Joe what to do.

This time, it was Jill who rushed Sleepy Joe, telling him to go board the Marine One helicopter so they can once again go to their beach house in Rehoboth, Delaware.

The Bidens have a special occasion to celebrate this weekend, which is their 45th wedding anniversary.

The last time the Bidens went to Rehoboth, they had to be rushed to safety. This happened after a small private plane entered their no-fly zone by mistake. Back then, they rushed there to celebrate Jill’s birthday.

Of course, while such special occasions are important, Sleepy Joe and the caretaker-in-chief have been taking lots of time off.

They’ve both been away from the White House quite a bit, already setting Biden on the path of becoming the most vacationing US president in the history of this country.


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