Biden Keeps His Head in the Sand Over Inflation


A recession in the United States is not “inevitable,” according to President Joe Biden. In light of that possibility, he sounds more and more alone.

What’s Going On?

As the Federal Reserve intensifies its fight against the worst inflation in four decades, rumblings of an impending economic downturn have grown louder from Wall St. to Washington.

The flagship S&P 500 stock index plunged to its worst result in the first half of the year since 1970. This happened as a result of price explosions and the Fed’s aggressive interest rate rises. Consumer confidence is at an all-time low.

In addition, analysts are becoming more concerned that a slump will not only occur, but will also occur soon, a hazard highlighted by one well-followed Fed growth tracker.

Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, started speaking the hidden bit aloud: the institution will put up with a recession if it means bringing inflation under control.

Failure to restore pricing stability, he remarked on June 29, “would be the worst error to make.”

Even while Powell has Biden’s public support, rising recession forecasts are making the administration’s financial problems worse as Democrats prepare for this year’s elections.

According to Josh Bivens, head of research at the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute, “everybody is shouting about inflation.” The public would, however, “truly detest a recession.”

Even though the jobless rate is at 3.6 percent, which is close to modern-era lows, Americans are already negative about the economy. A declining economy would exacerbate misery by bringing a flood of layoffs and salary reductions.

The attitude might become much worse, according to Bivens, who contends the Fed erred by trying to stop rising prices by whatever means necessary if the economy shrinks.

It’s Coming

High inflation is currently the main topic of economic discussion across the country, but that is quickly changing as people become more confident a recession is on the horizon.

Allies of the White House are preparing for it. Republicans in Congress are announcing a recession is inevitable.

Analysts on Wall Street are increasingly including it in their projections. Corporate executives have quickly changed from expressing quiet concerns to openly discussing an economic downturn with investors and inside their own organizations.

Some Democrats, on the other hand, continue to highlight positive aspects of the economy in the hopes the central bank will be able to restrain inflation without sending the industry into a complete tailspin.

Powell claims to share similar optimism and emphasized the economy’s ongoing strength.

Despite acknowledging a number of international risks, a White House official said America’s strong points in consumer spending, capital spending, and a strong labor market “position us to build on our solid economic founding and transition to stable, solid growth, with moderate inflation.”


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