Biden Makes Bike Fall Even More Grotesque With Bunny Hops

(Social media video snapshot of Joe Biden's ridiculous post-fall hops)

President Joe “Empty Shelves” Biden made his bicycle fall on Saturday even more grotesque than it already was.

Biden decided to demonstrate his “perfect” health by doing bunny hops later in the day, on his way out of a church in Delaware.

Enough With the Gaffes, Make Headlines By Falling!

Sleepy Joe made global headlines with an actual fall early on Saturday morning. He collapsed together with his bike close to Delaware’s Gordon’s Pond park trail.

He had gone to his beach house in Rehoboth, Delaware, together with his wife and caretaker-in-chief, Jill, to celebrate the 45th anniversary of their wedding.

The Democratic first couple had gone for a morning bike ride together with their Secret Service detail. Sleepy Joe decided to stop and greet supporters shouting “Happy Father’s Day” at him.

He almost stopped to get off the bike. Yet, his shoes got caught on the pedals and he fell to the right, causing a scramble of Secret Service agents and reporters to help Biden.

Biden remained on the ground for about ten seconds. He apparently got away without any injuries whatsoever, but the sight of the collapsing soon-to-be-80 presumed leader of the free world was embarrassing enough.

Biden did get up and greet the local supporters. Meanwhile, his caretaker wife Jill had gone ahead and failed to witness his collapse.


(Social media video snapshot of Joe Biden’s ridiculous post-fall hops)

Hopping to Make Falling Worse

Empty Shelves Joe, later on Saturday, was stepping out of a local church. Reporters were shouting questions at him as to whether he was alright. Biden demonstrated he was OK by doing some hopping.

Biden was exiting the St. Edmond Church when he got bombarded with questions. He didn’t yell back, just decided to demonstrate his “great” form; so he took three hops and also made hand motions resembling rope jumping.

Online memes, various reactions, and comments about Biden’s bike fall – most of them focusing on the embarrassment – were already going berserk, even before his hopping.

Some of the most remarkable memes showed Biden’s no less gaff-prone veep, Kamala Harris, as though she is witnessing the incident from behind a tree, rubbing her hands happily, and grinning.

This is an allusion to her being next in line to become president if Biden perishes.

Other memes showed Biden riding a bicycle with photoshopped pink training wheels, while still others portrayed his downfall as a metaphor for the US economy on his watch; it is getting pummeled by Biden-flation and the supply chain crisis, after all.

One of the most inventive “Biden bicycle fall” memes was that of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and his substitute, Dmitry Medvedev. The two of them are laughing on a park bench in the memes, as they used to be shown going together on bike rides in Russia.



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