Biden Predicts a “Second Pandemic” Just Before Midterms Campaign


President Biden signaled toward a “second pandemic” as he asked for more money from Congress for federal spending and vaccination campaigns.

Whereas political commentators and Twitterati mocked the president for predicting another pandemic that could arrive near upcoming elections.

Biden Just Predicted a “Second Pandemic” 

A reporter told Biden he knows the White House is seeking more money from Congress to fund his partisan vaccine campaign and sponsoring another COVID relief package.

He also asked the president how many children could be vaccinated before getting new funding from Congress.

Responding to this, Biden initially noted his administration would be able to vaccinate children this year. However, he added he is looking to Congress not only for vaccinating children, but also because he is planning for the “second pandemic.”

The president reinforced his comments, claiming the government has to “think ahead” of “another pandemic,” which will eventually come. 

As he tried to defend his own predicted pandemic, the president also slammed the Trump administration for not preparing for the coronavirus pandemic in advance.

So, Biden noted, he “needed money” to prepare for the next pandemic, unlike his predecessor, who did not plan it ahead of time.

Another Pandemic Coming Just Before the Elections

Twitter users were quick to respond to Biden’s mysterious comments.

Miranda Devin, a New York Post writer and Fox News contributor, tweeted, “Right in time for 2024,” mocking Biden that the new pandemic could come near the 2024 election so Democrats can play politics with it.

Similarly, Tara Servatius, a conservative radio host, established the president seemed very much confident that he could control the new pandemic.

Just three weeks ago, Servatius continued, Dr. Fauci also said the next pandemic would strike the world in the fall, which fits absolutely with the November elections.

Sean Davis, the CEO of a conservative online platform, The Federalist, called Biden’s warning a “threat.”

Likewise, Gary Sheffield, a sports podcaster, told Biden to ask for the funding from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who could pay for it using her “investment portfolio.”

Another podcaster cum lawyer Phil Holloway asked Biden the exact date of the next pandemic, sarcastically adding he wanted to stock up toilet paper a “little better” this time.

Some commentators raised alarms regarding the possible voter fraud in the midterm elections in the name of the new pandemic.

Samantha Chang, a Western Journal author, said Biden’s predicted pandemic is likely to hit before the midterm elections so the administration can push more measures for “ballot harvesting” and voting via mail.

Meanwhile, liberal authors also jumped into the discussion to warn about the possible economic impacts of the so-called “second pandemic.”

James Melville, a left-leaning writer, noted the United States poured in nearly $11 trillion since the arrival of COVID-19 in the United States. This suggests more federal funding could be on its way soon.


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