Biden Signed Abortion Executive Order to Lure Women Voters


President Biden signed an executive order stressing the need to protect abortion access, which has been restricted after the recent Supreme Court verdict.

He slammed both the GOP and Supreme Court justices for exercising “raw political power” and abusing the Constitution.

Biden Seems Desperate to Get Women’s Vote

According to Biden, the Supreme Court and GOP underestimate the “power of American women,” who will come out in “record numbers” in November midterms to “reclaim the(ir) rights.”

Biden noted the “wrongheaded” decision of the Supreme Court was neither driven by the “Constitution,” nor by “history.”

While accusing the Supreme Court of “playing fast and loose with the facts,” Biden stated that abortion access should not be banned in these modern times.

Furthermore, the president asked voters to bring in “two additional pro-choice senators” and a Democratic House to codify abortion access.

This request of Biden came at a time when Democrats are lagging in almost every poll and their likelihood of retaining Congress seems extremely slim in November.

Biden also noted the court is not ready to “protect the rights of women” and only women themselves can decide this issue for themselves.

As some Republicans vowed to support a nationwide abortion ban, Biden said “it won’t happen” as long as he is president, as he will veto any such measure.

The executive order seems to be more of a desperate plea to lure women voters ahead of the high-stakes elections, so they can come out in the Democrats’ favor.

This order repeatedly urged the women to come out “for God’s sake” and vote for pro-choice politicians so abortion rights could be codified through Congress.

He even insisted men should also come out in November to “take on the fight” so the “right to privacy” of women could be protected.

Biden Bows Down to the Radical Left

Using his executive powers, Biden tried to give safe access to reproductive healthcare services and expand the use of contraceptives using different agencies.

The president lambasted the “out of control” Supreme Court for exercising “raw political power” by collaborating with the “extremist segments of the Republican Party.”

As the Supreme Court verdict increases the authority of state governments, this action of the president is more symbolic in nature.

He has been under extreme pressure from radical elements of his party, who asked him to use federal lands in red states for abortion access and subsidize abortions for those who can no longer access it legally.

The Biden administration also announced it would safeguard access to abortion care using FDA-approved medications with the help of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Likewise, the HHS will ensure the availability of emergency medical care for pregnant women, especially those who are at risk of losing their pregnancy.

In addition to that, the department will expand access to “long-acting reversible contraception,” which is effective for many years in avoiding pregnancy.


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