Biden Tells Bad Old Jokes to King of Spain at Key Anti-Russia NATO Summit

(Spanish government handout)

President Joe Biden thought it would be a good idea to spit out some bad jokes as he interacted with the King of Spain.

This was during a critically important summit of the US-led NATO alliance tackling the issue of how to handle Russia, amid its barbaric war in Ukraine.

King Felipe Got the Same Biden Joke as Boris Johnson

Sleepy Joe and his chief caretaker, First Lady Jill Biden, on Tuesday, joined state leaders of more than 30 other nations in the Spanish capital Madrid for a two-day summit of NATO.

The NATO summit in Spain is taking place against the backdrop of bloody Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin’s continuing attempt to conquer Ukraine.

While the defenders of Ukraine managed to beat back the Russian invasion, thanks to their resolve, high efficiency, and military aid from western nations, NATO member states, including America, have been vital in their fight to stop Putin’s push to conquer.

As he was welcomed in Madrid by Spain’s head of state, King Felipe and his wife Queen Letizia, Joe Biden, accompanied by Jill, tried to break the ice with a bad joke about their spouses.

Sleepy Joe, 79, told the 54-year-old Spanish King that both of them “married way above our station,” as cited by The Daily Mail.

It wasn’t enough, however, that the joke was sufficiently awkward; it also turned out Biden already used it publicly before and quite recently.

He actually used the exact same line to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, 58, about his 34-year-old wife Carrie, last year during the G-7 summit in the UK.

It was during that summit in Cornwall, England that Empty Shelves Joe was filmed wandering off and getting lost in a local restaurant, seemingly disoriented.

Eventually, his wife Jill located him and rushed in a hurry to get him away from the eyes of the public.

In another bad joke line, Sleepy Joe quipped that he may not want to go back to the US, due to his low ratings.

(Spanish government handout)

Jill Didn’t Leave the Terrible Jokes to Joe

Joe Biden, however, wasn’t the only one making bad jokes at the residence of the Spanish royals. Jill also stepped up; she tried to joke that she and Queen Letizia were clashing with their white outfits.

Joe and Jill’s bad jokes, however, weren’t enough. During his bilateral meeting with the King, Biden blurted out some bizarre comparisons between Spain and the United States.

Thus, he argued that both America and Spain are “immigrant” and Spanish-speaking countries.

Biden practically boasted that “24 out of every 100” K-12 students in the US speak Spanish as their native language.

From that, he drew the conclusion that “the future” of America “depends on assimilating” a population that has “the same values” as Spain.

Following his weird observations on the geopolitics of illegal immigration, Sleepy Joe thanked the King of Spain for helping “in Latin America.”


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