Biden Under Fire For Controversial Move on Nicotine


Smoking is a dangerous habit that’s sadly common amongst many people. Despite the documented health issues that come along with smoking, it’s still a practice which many folks struggle to rid themselves of.

Some people genuinely wrestle with smoking addictions. Others smoke for the purposes of feeling cool, fitting in, or otherwise making a statement.

The Biden administration has decided it’s going to take on nicotine, a substance that’s commonly found within cigarettes.

However, the very measure that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims will cut back on smoking is being warned as something that will have the opposite impact, per Washington Examiner.

Another Error From the Biden Administration

With the president’s approval, the FDA is moving to put in place restrictions on nicotine.

Robert Califf, the FDA commissioner, claimed that limiting or ending the addictive nature of cigarettes and other similar substances is going to bring down the number of smokers in America.

However, critics are warning that Biden and the FDA are, yet again, wrong. Former ATF official Richard Marianos says this new measure will actually cause more smoking, not less.

Marianos additionally cautions that if the FDA moves forward with this plan, the black market will get a major boost and begin selling nicotine with much heavier concentration and addictive levels.

The general idea here is that if cigarettes become less addictive than they are today, it will drive smokers to indulge in this toxic habit more often in order to receive the same fix.

Naturally, this would render everything the FDA is trying to accomplish as counterproductive.

Warnings From Americans For Tax Reform

According to Americans For Tax Reform, Biden is missing the mark with this newfound focus on nicotine.

Despite nicotine being an addictive substance, it’s not what ultimately damages the lungs and kills people. The elements that do that are the smoke itself, along with the chemicals within the smoke.

Therefore, a scenario where people smoke more cigarettes in order to get their nicotine fixes would worsen and speed up the harm that’s done by smoking altogether.

Americans For Tax Reform warned what the president and FDA are trying to do with nicotine is actually “unconscionable.”

Unfortunately, there’s no sign that this administration plan to roll back its agenda on nicotine. Therefore, there’s a very high likelihood that more smoking-related deaths will be coming in the future.

This will be especially devastating for people who are already addicted to nicotine.

Do you believe the Biden administration’s latest plans for nicotine in cigarettes are good or bad? Do you think this will reduce smoking or lead to more addiction in the United States? You’re invited to share your views below in the comments area.


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