Biden Will Meet a “Threat to America” in His Saudi Arabia Visit


Former major-general of Saudi Arabia and spymaster Saad Aljabri called the Saudi crown prince Mohammad Bin Salman (MBS) a “psychopath” and a “threat to America,” ahead of Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia.

Biden will fly to the kingdom this week. He defended his decision, despite denouncing MBS in his presidential campaign.

Biden to Meet a Psychopathic Monarch

Speaking on CBS News “60 Minutes,” Aljabri stated MBS is a “psychopath” with “infinite resources.” This makes him a significant threat not only to the United States, but also to the whole world.

These comments of Aljabri came ahead of Biden’s Saudi Arabia visit. Biden is likely to ask the crown prince for lenient petroleum policies to control rising oil prices in the world. 

Aljabri further asserted MBS “does not feel emotions” and continues to commit atrocities and killings.

According to Aljabri, MBS runs a militia named “Tiger Squad” to find and kill people who do not resonate with his political narrative.

The group, which is also known as the Rapid Intervention Force (RIF), is also banned by the United States, due to its involvement in Khashoggi’s murder.

Saad Aljabri once served as the number two official of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence and an adviser to former crown prince Mohammad Bin Nayef.

However, when MBS’s father deposed Nayef, MBS became crown prince of the country and fired many officials of Nayef’s administration, including Aljabri. Now, the former intelligence officer is currently residing in Canada and is on the hit list of MBS.

Aljabri also told the host he received many death threats from MBS, adding he was told not to go near any Saudi mission in Canada or even the Saudi embassy as MBS’s forces are looking for him. 

However, the Saudi Embassy in Washington dismissed Aljabri’s allegations, calling him a “discredited” official who is spinning the facts to hide his mammoth financial corruption.

Michael Morell, a former acting director of the CIA, also backed Aljabri, noting he is an “honorable” individual who saved many American lives with his intelligence reports.

Biden’s Defended His Controversial Visit to Saudi Arabia

Biden’s Saudi Arabia visit is getting controversial, due to his previous stance regarding the kingdom’s government. During his presidential campaign, Biden called the Saudi government a “pariah” for killing former journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Whereas this time, the president wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post, mentioning his human rights views will be on the top of the list during his tour.

Biden further noted his policies for Saudi Arabia are bringing back stability in the Middle East. In addition to that, he said he released a report on Khashoggi’s murder and sanctioned 76 people who remained involved in extraterritorial threats.

Saudi Arabia is helping American officials to bring down oil prices and supports a truce in the long-standing Yemen war, which killed hundreds of thousands of people, Biden added.

So, Biden continued, he aims to “reorient, but not rupture” the relations with Saudi Arabia, at the moment.


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