Biden’s Re-election Plans Trashed By ‘The Atlantic’


Days ago, the White House reaffirmed that Joe Biden has every intention of seeking a second term as president. This came after growing talks amongst Democratic officials that Biden should ultimately sit out the 2024 presidential election.

Truthfully, Biden will not have much to run on.

However, things like his age, inflation rates, high energy costs, and supply shortages throughout the market are worrying Democrats. They’re starting to see Biden as a liability who could hand the next presidential election to Republicans.

If the White House’s confirmation of Biden’s re-election plans was meant to silence critics, it had the opposite effect, as documented by Breitbart News.

Recently, The Atlantic, a left-wing publication, released a piece making it clear in no doubtful terms that Biden should not seek re-election.

The Atlantic on a Biden 2024 Run

During the 2020 presidential election, The Atlantic was all in for Biden. However, less than two years into Biden’s presidency, the magazine is sharing very different viewpoints.

The publication stated Biden’s lost his “eloquence” in his old age and is facing “hopscotching journeys” when trying to articulate certain sentences.

Later, The Atlantic even went as far as declaring Biden would be “liberating” the Democrat Party by steering clear of a re-election run.

In some of the sharpest criticism of the president yet, The Atlantic declared that it’s “painful” oftentimes for people to watch Biden try to give speeches to the public. Likewise, Biden’s own staffers in the White House were described as being visibly nervous in his presence.

The Atlantic’s strong call for Biden to roll back his plans to seek re-election is gaining nationwide attention. Many of the pointers made are on par with criticisms that Republicans frequently aim at the president.

At this rate, it appears as though Republicans and Democrats are becoming gradually united in the view that Biden lacks the fitness to be president.

More Damage Control For the White House?

It is certainly not a good look for any president to have sources within his own party trashing his plans to run for re-election.

The Atlantic is not alone in this, either. Vanity Fair, the New York Times, and other well-established, left-wing outlets have been advising Biden against running for another presidential term in 2024.

With this sort of momentum building against Biden on his own political side, the White House is going to have quite a bit of damage control to do.

Time will tell whether or not more left-wing individuals and sources join the bandwagon of those saying Biden should not run in 2024.

What do you think about The Atlantic’s latest piece on Joe Biden? Are you surprised to see Democrats openly turning against Biden like this? In the comments area, share your thoughts with us.


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