Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Prophecy For America


Bill and Hillary Clinton have a lot to say about the future of America and have been letting loose with dark warnings.

They recently gave a dire prophecy on the late night James Corden show and also unloaded a batch of doomsday predictions in a recent interview with the Financial Times.

Here’s what the Clintons say is happening, and why…

Doomsday Prophecy

As elitist Democrats, the Clintons aren’t worried about the End Times in a biblical sense or faith. They are worried about the power of the Democrat Party and the globalist ideology.

With that now being challenged in America, they are very worried “democracy” will soon be over and the US system they support will “collapse.”

According to Bill, there’s a “fair chance” that the US democratic system fully collapses, while Hillary said we’re at the “precipice” of becoming undemocratic.

The irony is both of these people don’t see how their actions and rhetoric have helped contribute to the crisis of faith in government that we have today.

It’s not as if the polarization we have came out of nowhere. While Bill Clinton tried to rule with some united appeal, Clinton carried on the polarizing and hate-filled tactics of Barack Obama in her term and the new Democrat style.

In both her job as senator and as secretary of state, Hillary embodied the worst of what the left represents for patriots: a pernicious, horribly dishonest culture of hate and division for the sake of power.

A Future Led By Republicans ‘So Frightening’

Bill said a future led by Republicans is “so frightening,” it must be the focus of the left to unite and defeat them at all costs. He said divisive topics like transgenderism and more must not be the focus right now.

Bill has always been a more savvy operator than Clinton in understanding the American people. He even warned her in 2016 not to ignore the Rust Belt and to travel there more to rally working Americans, instead of doing focus group far left campaigning for TV.

Hillary ignored him and famously lost the 2016 election by a large margin in the electoral college.

She then went on to challenge the results of the 2016 election by foisting a treasonous and false conspiracy about Russia and Trump, for which she has faced zero consequences.

The damage this did to our democracy was enormous; although Hillary doesn’t actually care, of course.

The Clinton Trap

Hillary and Bill are making a simple and crude trap here: if you don’t support them and the Democrat Party, you are against “democracy.” The point is to force people to think they are the good guys.

They’re not. They are trying to scare, guilt, and psychologically abuse Americans. Then again, what else is new?


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