Border Crisis His Critical Point With Records Smashed


Over Memorial Weekend, Border Patrol officers from the Del Rio division detained over 4,000 migrants. Additionally, upwards of 1,600 migrants escaped detention and entered the United States.

Agent Jason D. Owens, the Del Rio Section Chief Patrol Agent, issued a weekend report on his agents’ activities during Memorial Day weekend.

Officers in one single region captured 3,976 migrants, according to a portion of the report.

Major Crisis!

In addition to the roughly 4,000 migrants apprehended, Chief Owens estimated 1,652 people managed to elude capture by Border Patrol personnel or other law enforcement authorities.

These are classified as “Got Aways” by the Border Patrol. This figure is based on migrant incursions that are spotted but not arrested by agents, surveillance equipment, or other law enforcement organizations.

It also provides an estimate of unobserved crossings, which occurs when tracking indicates more migrants passed than were arrested.

According to Owens, at least 16 of the almost 4,000 migrants arrested had criminal records.

According to a person working under the auspices of US Customs and Immigration, these migrant arrests added to the much more than 200,000 migrants captured along the US-Mexico boundary in May.

This is the second month in a row that there have been over 200,000 arrests.

“The truth is our frontiers are not open,” CBP Director Chris Magnus said at a news conference in May, “and we will seek to remove individuals who enter our country illegally and have no legal foundation to stay.”

According to Breitbart Texas, these remarks occurred as part of the publication of the April Southwestern Land Border Incidents report, which revealed Border Patrol agents apprehending 201,800 migrants.

Border Patrol personnel captured more than 422,000 migrants in March and April, according to official CBP records, clearly contradicting the superintendent’s conclusion the border was closed.

With this month’s projection of more than 200,000, the total for the past three months is over 625,000.

Shocking Numbers

As per an insider within US Customs and Immigration, Border Patrol agents in the five Texas-based sectors captured approximately 138,000 migrants in May.

This is an increase of about 10,000 from the prior month. If the migrants captured in Texas-based areas were placed in a whole new city, it would be Texas’ 25th most populous city, surpassing Waco.

Border Agents in the Laredo, Rio Grande Valley, Big Bend, Del Rio, and El Paso sectors captured nearly 137,800 migrants who unlawfully crossed the border in May, according to a report seen by Breitbart Texas.

In May, authorities captured about 220,000 migrants along the whole southern border, accounting for around 32% of the total.

With slightly more than 45,000 migrants apprehended, the Rio Grande Valley Area once more led the way as the largest industry in the region for migrant apprehensions.

With almost 44,000 apprehensions, the Del Rio Sector was a close second. With about 34,000, 11,500, and 2,800 arrests, the El Paso, Laredo, and Big Bend sectors completed the five Texas-based regions.


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