Businesses Are Finally Fed Up With Woke Employees


Woke employees are becoming an unbearable headache for companies; businesses are now trying to get rid of them at any cost.

One such tech company offered its “triggered” employee four months of pay for leaving the company.

CEOs Fed Up With Woke Employees

Jesse Powell, the CEO of a cryptocurrency trading group, Kraken, told Fox News he is getting fed up with the woke culture in his company.

He also stated he wants to restore his company’s previous culture, which has been destroyed by some far-left employees.

Powell further indicated many other people in the company also think along the same lines that only a small number of employees are disturbing the culture of their organization. 

He advised his employees to get back to work and avoid distractions put forward by the woke employees.

The CEO established his company remained apolitical for an entire decade, but the new recruitment done in the wake of the cryptocurrency boom led the company to hire some woke individuals.

He also asserted his company employs people from more than 70 countries who speak over 50 languages.

This increases the diversity in the organization. So, many people are likely to follow the woke ideology due to this much diversity, Powell added.

According to Powell, he does not like people who force others to “think like them.” So, he offered these kinds of individuals to take four months of pay and leave the company for good.

Kraken Wants to Hire People With a Simple Condition

While redefining the mission statement of his organization, Powell noted it is understandable the sentiments of various employees are hurt, which is a normal thing in such a diverse company.

However, Powell added, Kraken has to be “thick-skinned” and “well-intentioned” as a company.

The newly announced mission of the company is also evident from its recently launched recruitment drive.

Although many cryptocurrency companies laid off hundreds of staff members after the latest nosedive in cryptocurrencies, Kraken is the company that is still hiring new people with only one simple condition.

While announcing to hire over 500 people in a blog post, Kraken stated it can only employ those people who put “crypto-culture first.”

Kraken had to remind potential woke applicants that it believes in freedom of speech, self-defense, and free markets. So, any person who is hired must not call people words like “racist,” “toxic,” “hateful,” or “x-phobic,” as the recruitment policy mentioned.

Instead, people should come forward to have healthy debates on various issues and counter each other with logic and reasoning.

As he denounced the woke culture further, Powell mentioned in his tweet that only 20 out of the current 3,200 employees are responsible for putting the whole company at stake.


These people raise their concerns over diversity, equality, and inclusion; they call people different words, Powell added.

The latest concerns of Kraken underline a broader problem in the United States, which has increased the worries for many businesses.

Just recently, a report indicated Gen Z employees are disturbing the work ethics of many businesses, due to their woke behavior.


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