Democrats Are DONE With Kamala Harris

Democrats are ready to see anyone but Kamala Harris as the 2024 presidential nominee if Biden decides not to seek another term.  Different polls and...

Liberals Do Not Want to Celebrate Independence Day

Leftist extremists are calling for Americans to boycott Independence Day this July 4, due to the Supreme Court's abortion ruling.  Some of them even want...

71 Journalists Slammed White House For Discriminatory Behaviour

A large group of reporters sent a letter to press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, due to the discriminatory behavior of the White House in inviting...

Biden Admits Dems Lack Filibuster Numbers

President Biden stated on Friday that Democrats lack the numbers to change the parliamentary filibuster to enact an abortion rights law. Biden added the...

Poll: Trump Tops Biden in Potential 2024 Matchup

According to a recent survey conducted by Emerson College, in the event of a theoretical rematch in 2024, erstwhile President Trump would have an...

Biden Comes Up With New Way to Distract Americans

If the Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony that is about to take place at the White House were a themed party, it would be...

House Republicans Want to Make June a “Month of Life”

House Republicans want to make June a “month of life” after the monumental Supreme Court verdict in June, which significantly restricts abortion.  Currently, June is...

Another Gaffe: Biden Mixed Up Two Countries’ Names in His NATO Speech

Biden is taking his gaffes overseas once again, mistakenly saying Switzerland wanted to join NATO. He meant to mention the NATO membership of Sweden, which...

A New Watchdog Read to Hold Biden’s White House Accountable

A new project, "Inside Biden's Basement," is exposing the officials of the Biden administration who are steering America into crisis. Even though Biden championed ethics...

Biden Wants an Abortion Protection Filibuster Exception

President Biden stated Thursday the Senate should create an exemption to the filibuster requirement of 60 votes to enshrine abortion rights, following the Supreme...
