Nationwide Protests Erupted After Supreme Court Abortion Ruling

As the US Supreme Court restricted abortion access by overturning Roe in the landmark Roe v. Wade case, thousands of pro-choice protesters are rallying...

Biden’s New Amnesty Agenda Fully Exposed

Joe Biden made it clear from day one in office that he doesn't care about our border security. The border with Mexico has become a...

Horrific Scene as Mass Death of Migrants Discovered in Texas

The southern border between our country and Mexico is a horror show. It's largely run by drug cartels from the Mexican side and stateside;...

Fact Check: Lauren Boebert Wasn’t an Escort, Had No Abortion

CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale busted leftist rumors which suggested conservative Congresswoman Lauren Boebert had two abortions, worked as an escort, and offered her services...

Court Released the Man Who Slapped Rudy Giuliani

A court downgraded the allegations against a ShopRite worker, on Monday, who slapped former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani in the back. Giuliani wanted...

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Biden FINANCED Escort Services of Hunter

The new records from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop suggest that President Biden unwittingly financed his son’s relations with Russian-based escorts. According to the Washington Examiner...

Biden Expects Taxpayers to Pay Abortion-Seekers’ Travel Costs

Following the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, the Biden administration is mulling over the possibility of using public funds to subsidize the travel...

The Democrat Crazy Train Has Gone Off the Tracks

The Democrat Party enjoys complete favoritism in the mainstream media, journalism and popular culture. Celebrities parrot their talking points and they have a president...

Biden Tells Bad Old Jokes to King of Spain at Key Anti-Russia NATO Summit

President Joe Biden thought it would be a good idea to spit out some bad jokes as he interacted with the King of Spain. This...

Global Leaders Smacked Biden Over Horrible Texas Disaster

Global politicians are backing Republicans' narrative over the tragic disaster which left 51 illegal immigrants dead in an abandoned trailer in Texas.  They suggest the...
