Biden’s Handshake Promise Didn’t Last

White House officials vowed that President Biden will not shake hands with anyone during his trip to the Middle East. However, the promise only...

Secret Service Agent Sent Back to US After Assaulting a Woman Overseas

A Secret Service agent brought international embarrassment to the United States by physically assaulting a woman in Israel. The agent was sent back to...

Progressive Policies Forcing New York Police to Resign

Police officials in blue states are resigning en masse, due to the unfavorable policies which are not only impacting their job performance, but also...

FINA Banned Transgenders From Competing in Female Swimming Events

FINA, a governing body that conducts international water sports, limited the inclusion of transgender athletes in women's swimming competitions.  After the enforcement of the new...

Biden Predicts a “Second Pandemic” Just Before Midterms Campaign

President Biden signaled toward a “second pandemic” as he asked for more money from Congress for federal spending and vaccination campaigns. Whereas political commentators and...

Fed Chairman Denied Biden’s Claims

Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell denied the idea that Russian President Vladimir Putin is behind rising inflation in the United States. This signifies a deep...

Stacey Abrams Flipped to Pro-Police to Win Her Election

Democratic gubernatorial candidate for Georgia, Stacey Abrams, remained a consistent advocate of defunding the police. However, she is now campaigning for funding law enforcement agencies...

Democrats Shifted Their Midterms Campaign Focus

Top Democratic leadership is now desperate to win the November elections. They claim the future of the party’s agenda depends on the outcome of...

Red States Follow Suit Post Roe v. Wade Verdict

Right after the Supreme Court’s historic ruling to overturn Roe, many states have already banned abortion as their trigger laws went into effect on...

Biden Gave a Childish Solution to Control Gas Inflation

The US Oil & Gas Association (USOGA) took aim at President Biden after his childish tweet, which asked gas companies to simply reduce prices...
