Biden Just Hit His Lowest Ever Approval Rating

Every new poll is bringing more misery for President Biden. This time, he registered his all-time lowest approval rating as only a mere 39%...

White House Inaction Frustrates Democrats

Democrats are infuriated by the White House. They say it is slow to solve a never-ending domino effect of problems in an unceasing news...

Biden’s Proven Declining Mental Abilities

Let's start with a few historical facts. They are unmistakable and uncontroversial; they clearly describe the Democratic predicament. First, Ronald Reagan's age was a severe...

Attempted Murder of Conservative Judge Stopped at Last Minute

On Wednesday, an armed California man was arrested near the house of a conservative Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh. In police custody, the man claimed...

Chinese Government Plan to Dominate the World Revealed

The People's Daily of the Chinese Communist Party helped to expand China's hazy "Global Security Strategy." This is an unspoken security treaty that the increasingly...

New Poll Shows What We Knew All Along

As liberal Democrats shine the spotlight on the tragic event in Uvalde, Texas, a new left-of-center survey published this week indicated favor for an...

Ukraine Running Out of Ammo in Desperate Fight With Russia

The forces of Ukraine are now facing a battlefield catastrophe; they are rapidly running out of ammunition. Western nations, including the United States, are dragging...

Putin Thinks He’s 18th Century Russian Emperor, Peter the Great

Atrocious Moscow dictator Vladimir Putin has disclosed which one of the Russian tyrants he considers himself to be, in light of his vicious invasion...

Pro-Abortion Group Took Down Its Website Out of Legal Fear

A pro-choice group that published the home addresses of six conservative Supreme Court justices shut down its website after the failed murder attempt of...

Biden is Now the Biggest National Security Threat Against America

President Biden’s frequent gaffes are turning out to be a serious problem for the country. Even liberal strategists now claim these worrying habits of...
