Biden Dismayed By Supreme Court Firearms Ruling

President Joe Biden expressed his great disappointment with the decision made by the Supreme Court on Thursday to strike down a New York gun...

Republican Senators Risk NRA Backlash Over Gun Control Bill

Several Senate Republicans are breaking with the NRA over an important gun safety proposal. In recent weeks, demands for gun control have reached a boiling...

Roe v. Wade Overturned, Victory For Conservatives

The Roe v. Wade decision was overruled by the Supreme Court on Friday. This essentially eliminates the acknowledgment of abortion as a constitutionally protected right....

Roe v. Wade Has Been Overturned

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has overturned the constitutional right to an abortion in a landmark decision on Friday overturning Roe...

Monkeypox Vaccine Being Rolled Out

The monkeypox disease is continuing to spread, particularly among the gay and bisexual community. Various cities such as New York and Denver are now rolling...

Biden Exposes Own Senility, Unfitness for Office in Fresh Cheat Sheet Gaffe

Joe “Multiple Crises” Biden made a fresh gaffe that put an abrupt end to any doubts the American public may still be having regarding...

Supreme Court Comes to Rescue Gun Rights in America

The Supreme Court reversed a century-old New York law that restricted gun rights for Americans. This decision marks a big success for gun rights advocates...

Stacey Abrams Flipped to Pro-Police to Win Her Election

Democratic gubernatorial candidate for Georgia, Stacey Abrams, remained a consistent advocate of defunding the police. However, she is now campaigning for funding law enforcement agencies...

Pro-Choice Militia Vandalized GOP Congressman’s Office

Pro-choice far-left militia, Jane’s Revenge, vandalized the campaign office of Republican Congressman Tim Walberg. The congressman is a loud critic of pro-abortion politics and calls...

Schumer Wants McConnell’s Help To Achieve Gun Legislation This Week

On Wednesday, Senate leadership lauded a settlement between Republican and Democratic officials on legislation to prevent gun violence. It portrayed the plan as a...
