Democrats’ Brutal Attempt to Control Conservative Media Channels

A conservative Miami-based radio network, Radio Mambi, will soon be purchased by the political strategists of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  This will be another...

Democratic Strategists Want Biden to Retire

Democratic political strategists are now questioning Biden’s ability to run in the 2024 presidential election.  They think voters want to see a new face for...

Border Crisis His Critical Point With Records Smashed

Over Memorial Weekend, Border Patrol officers from the Del Rio division detained over 4,000 migrants. Additionally, upwards of 1,600 migrants escaped detention and entered...

America’s Most Honest Democrat Speaks Out

Bernie Sanders wants to get something off his chest: Without a course adjustment, he believes the Democrat Party is doomed to lose this election. It's...

Obamas Cause Suspicion By Ordering Huge Propane Tank For Posh Island Mansion

The high-profile family of ex-President Barack Obama seems to be up to something bizarre. They are seeking to put a gigantic propane tank, which might...

Biden’s Latest Gaffe All About Nuclear Explosions and Karens

President Joe “Multiple Crises” Biden has once again thrown the American public in shock and disbelief with brand new senility-driven gaffes. He renamed an American...

Biden Helped Russia Profit From Oil Sales

The White House aimed to destroy the Russian economy with oil sanctions in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine war. However, Russia is now selling more...

Supreme Court Delayed Abortion Case Verdict

The US Supreme Court delayed announcing the verdict of the landmark Roe vs. Wade abortion case, ahead of possible violence in the country. As...

Supreme Court Tightens Rules For Illegal Immigrants

The Supreme Court made it extremely hard for immigrants to challenge the federal government's decisions in the court. Usually, unauthorized immigrants used to challenge...

Desperate Russia Resorts to Anti-Ship Missiles to Attack Ukraine’s Defenders on Land

The Russian military is getting desperate. They are now resorting to firing at the plucky Ukrainian ground forces with huge antiquated communist-era missiles designed for...
