Big Admission on Hunter Biden’s Laptop Story Comes from Twitter’s Ex-Top Censor

The censoring in October 2020 of the original story revealing materials from prodigal First Son Hunter Biden’s lost laptop was a “mistake,” according to...

Commie China Stages Aggressive Nuclear Buildup to Triple Warheads, Mock America

Communist China is working to more than triple its nuclear weapons arsenal by 2035 in an aggressive buildup while also mocking the United States...

Cars Used by Bidens ‘Burst into Flames’ Hours after First Family Left Thanksgiving Spot

In a mysterious incident, five Secret Service rental cars used by Democrat President Joe Biden exploded. Joe “Multiple Gaffes” Biden’s family went to tour Nantucket...

7,000 Vile Pedophiles Set Loose from California’s Prisons

More than 7,000 absolutely vicious convicted pedophiles – many of them for rape of young children – have been released out on the streets...

Russia ‘Killed’ Ally’s Foreign Minister, Fellow Dictator Fears for Life, Sources Claim

Russian assassins appear to be on the loose and killing those who go against Vladimir Putin. Most recently, Vladimir Makei, the foreign minister of...

Creepy Joe Strikes Again, Peeking at Young Girls through Window

Democrat President Joe Biden, who is known not only as Sleepy Joe but also as “Creepy Joe” for his inappropriate behavior with girls and...

Jesus Had Transgender Body, ‘Vagina’ Wound, Commie Cambridge Sermon Claims

A transgenderist Marxist-Communist sermon at the world-famous University of Cambridge in the UK has sparked widespread outrage by declaring that Jesus Christ had a...

Lefty ‘Social Terrorism’ Nearly Killed Ex-CEO as He Stood Up to Abortionism

John Gibson, the former founder and CEO of software company Tripwire, nearly committed suicide because he was bullied severely by modern-day Commies committing against...

Workers ‘Make Amazon Pay’ with Unprecedented Global Black Friday Walkout

Amazon warehouse workers in dozens of nations around the globe – including the United States – staged a Black Friday walkout to “make Amazon...

Biden Vows to ‘Slay’ Trump in 2024 Election, Claims He’s Only Dem Who Can

President Joe “Multiple Crises” Biden and Democratic Party figures and aides believe he will “slay” former President Donald Trump in a potential 2024 presidential...
