Democrats Shifted Their Midterms Campaign Focus

Top Democratic leadership is now desperate to win the November elections. They claim the future of the party’s agenda depends on the outcome of...

America’s Teens Have a Serious Crisis

A new study from the University of Georgia has very disturbing news about a new epidemic affecting American teens. The study points out 75% of...

America Has Big Lessons to Learn From the History of Other Countries

America is the greatest country in the world, obviously, but we are also one of the newest. We have lessons we can learn from other,...

War: Lithuania Under Threat of Russian Invasion

The small Russian province of Kaliningrad, which is isolated from the rest of Russia by Poland, as well as Lithuania on the Baltic coast,...

Supreme Court Comes to Rescue Gun Rights in America

The Supreme Court reversed a century-old New York law that restricted gun rights for Americans. This decision marks a big success for gun rights advocates...

Stacey Abrams Flipped to Pro-Police to Win Her Election

Democratic gubernatorial candidate for Georgia, Stacey Abrams, remained a consistent advocate of defunding the police. However, she is now campaigning for funding law enforcement agencies...

Pro-Choice Militia Vandalized GOP Congressman’s Office

Pro-choice far-left militia, Jane’s Revenge, vandalized the campaign office of Republican Congressman Tim Walberg. The congressman is a loud critic of pro-abortion politics and calls...

Fuming Putin Trolls America as His Botched War Turns Four Months Old

Russia’s fuming evil dictator, Vladimir Putin, has turned to trolling the United States by targeting the US Embassy in Moscow. Putin's doing this with an...

Ukraine Deals Putin Double Blow, Strikes Inside Russia

Ukraine just dealt two remarkable blows to Putin’s Russia, including a daring drone strike on a major oil refinery inside Russia. 120 Days of Fighting On...

Fed Chairman Denied Biden’s Claims

Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell denied the idea that Russian President Vladimir Putin is behind rising inflation in the United States. This signifies a deep...
