China Disputes FBI and MI5 Claims of Spying and IP Theft

China has refuted charges made by intelligence authorities in the United States and the United Kingdom. These charges stated the world power was using...

“Ballot Boxes” Banned: Trump Wants to Reclaim Electoral Votes

After the Wisconsin Supreme Court verdict banning “ballot boxes,” former President Trump wants the state to overturn the 2020 election results. Biden defeated Trump with...

Exclusive Forecast of Gas Prices Has Huge News for Consumers

Gas prices have gone berserk in the past few months. Many of us are seeing our bank accounts empty out faster than we ever...

The Russian Military is Coming to Central America

The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on now since February 24. Despite Ukraine's fierce resistance, Russia is now poised to take...

Supreme Court Tightens Rules For Illegal Immigrants

The Supreme Court made it extremely hard for immigrants to challenge the federal government's decisions in the court. Usually, unauthorized immigrants used to challenge...

Biden Helped Russia Profit From Oil Sales

The White House aimed to destroy the Russian economy with oil sanctions in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine war. However, Russia is now selling more...

Biden Using Defense Production Act to Get Political Mileage

Joe Biden is capitalizing on the Defense Production Act (DPA) to further his green energy agenda, which is stalled in Congress.  Originally this act was...

Putin’s Army Turns the Tide in Donbas

The United States continues to vow to supply weaponry to assist Ukraine in defending its land. However, delays in getting that weaponry towards the frontlines...

Putin Resorts to Pulling Fat General Out of Retirement in Ukraine War Desperation

Russia’s bloodthirsty dictator, Vladimir Putin, seems to be running desperate on options in his nauseating, highly botched war in Ukraine. He's pulled out of retirement...

Ukraine Pummels Russia’s Troops with US-Supplied Missiles in Fresh Putin Blow

The military of Ukraine has started to utilize the HIMARS missile launchers supplied to it by the United States. They have immediately and conspicuously started...
