Commie China Stages Aggressive Nuclear Buildup to Triple Warheads, Mock America

Communist China is working to more than triple its nuclear weapons arsenal by 2035 in an aggressive buildup while also mocking the United States...

FEDEX DRIVER ARRESTED In Heinous Crime Against Young Girl

This is one of those news stories that nobody wants to read, but it's important to show just how dangerous it's getting out there...

Biden Makes Surprise Move to Save Migrant-Expulsion ‘Title 42’ Policy

In a surprise development, President Joe “Open Border” Biden’s administration has moved to rescue “Title 42,” the Trump-era public health policy allowing fast expulsion...

7,000 Vile Pedophiles Set Loose from California’s Prisons

More than 7,000 absolutely vicious convicted pedophiles – many of them for rape of young children – have been released out on the streets...
