Democrats Are DONE With Kamala Harris

Democrats are ready to see anyone but Kamala Harris as the 2024 presidential nominee if Biden decides not to seek another term.  Different polls and...

Red States Follow Suit Post Roe v. Wade Verdict

Right after the Supreme Court’s historic ruling to overturn Roe, many states have already banned abortion as their trigger laws went into effect on...

Democrats Shifted Their Midterms Campaign Focus

Top Democratic leadership is now desperate to win the November elections. They claim the future of the party’s agenda depends on the outcome of...

Fed Chairman Denied Biden’s Claims

Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell denied the idea that Russian President Vladimir Putin is behind rising inflation in the United States. This signifies a deep...

Biden Predicts a “Second Pandemic” Just Before Midterms Campaign

President Biden signaled toward a “second pandemic” as he asked for more money from Congress for federal spending and vaccination campaigns. Whereas political commentators and...

Far-Left Used a Fake Story to Expand Abortion Access

Far-left Democrats tricked Biden into signing an executive order to expand abortion access by telling him a fake story of a 10-year-old rape victim. Biden,...

Secret Second War Going On in Ukraine

As long as there has been war, there has been pillaging and theft. The earliest human conflicts included the looting of relics, precious minerals,...

Biden Called Out For “Meaningful Progress” Against Violence

A father of a mass shooting victim interrupted President Biden during his White House speech on Monday. The president was celebrating the passage of...

Shocking: Former Japanese PM Shot and Killed

According to Friday morning reports from the Japanese station NHK, previous Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was declared dead. This happened shortly after him being...

Iran’s Dangerous Missiles Confiscated in International Waters

The UK captured two shipments of highly sophisticated Iranian missiles with the help of the US. These missiles were to be smuggled to Yemen, which...
